DAN Reminds Dive Pros to Avoid a Gap in Their Liability Coverage
Press Release
Divers Alert Network is reminding dive pros and business owners that professional liability insurance policies in the dive industry are claims-made policies.
About DAN
The world’s most recognized and respected dive safety organization, Divers Alert Network (DAN) has remained committed to the health and well-being of divers for 45 years. The organization’s research, medical services, and global-response programs create an extensive network that supports divers with vital services such as injury prevention, education, and lifesaving evacuations. Every year, hundreds of thousands of divers around the world look to DAN as their dive safety organization. Join the DAN community or learn more at DAN.org.
This means that to be covered, you must have continuous (uninterrupted) coverage from the time of the incident that led to the claim to the time the claim is filed.
Any gap in coverage, no matter how small, will negate coverage for previous incidents or claims. Keep in mind that it may take up to 48 hours to process your policy, and there is no grace period, so be sure to renew well before your current policy expires.
Before You Renew!
In addition to the normal DAN member discount, members can save an additional 5% on their individual or group professional liability premium by taking DAN’s newest e-learning course, Continuing Education for Dive Professionals, before they renew their liability coverage.
The course is free of charge, takes about an hour to complete, and can be found here.
Have Questions?
Get answers to your professional liability insurance questions in this video by James Blackman at Divers Ready
Thank You for Your Support!
“We’re grateful for the trust the dive industry has placed in DAN,” said Bill Ziefle, DAN president and CEO. “Our mission has always been to help divers in need and to promote diving safety, and we’re pleased to have this opportunity to work directly with pros and business owners to advance this mission.
We are proud to present Continuing Education for Dive Professionals and through it incentivize safe diving practices.”
A robust liability insurance program benefits everyone in the dive industry: divers, dive businesses, and dive professionals. It ensures that injured parties can access the medical care they need, and it ensures dive professionals can work in this industry without fear of financial ruin.
Read more about how reliable professional liability insurance is good for the whole industry.