
Tiger shark teeth
A tiger reveals her teeth

Sharks: Loss of Diversity Through Time

Sharks first appeared in the fossil record about the same time that plants covered the land, nearly half a billion years ago. Evolution has made them so perfect that they have retained their main characteristics over all of this abyss of time. But despite their formidable lineage, modern sharks face unprecedented threats and challenges that endanger their diverse roles within ecosystems.

Turtle receiving an ultrascan examination

Diagnosing the "bends" in turtles caught in fishing nets

When sea turtles get trapped in fishing nets and are brought to the surface, they can suffer from gas emboli because their normal diving processes are disrupted. This can cause abnormal gas build-up in their organs. 

To address this, marine veterinarians worldwide are developing methods to understand the possible consequences of this and to determine the most ideal treatment for them. 

DAN Reminds Dive Pros to Avoid a Gap in Their Liability Coverage

This means that to be covered, you must have continuous (uninterrupted) coverage from the time of the incident that led to the claim to the time the claim is filed. 

Any gap in coverage, no matter how small, will negate coverage for previous incidents or claims. Keep in mind that it may take up to 48 hours to process your policy, and there is no grace period, so be sure to renew well before your current policy expires.

Before You Renew!

This diagram shows the difference in length between a PCFG gray whale born in 2020 and one born before the year 2000.

Why have Pacific Coast gray whales become shorter?

Marine scientists from Oregon State University have observed a concerning trend in the body size of gray whales off the Pacific Northwest coast. Since around 2000, these whales have shown a significant decrease in length, raising alarms about their overall health and the state of the ecosystem.

Sonar Image of Quest
Sonar Image of Quest. The legendary vessel from Sir Ernest Shackleton's final expedition located off the coast of Newfoundland

Wreck of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s last ship, found in Labrador Sea

In a historic maritime discovery, the wreck of the Quest, the ship used by famed explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton during his last expedition, has been found off the coast of Newfoundland. This discovery, confirmed by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS), provides a significant piece of the puzzle in understanding Shackleton’s enduring legacy in polar exploration.

Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco leads the groundbreaking of the Hyperbaric Chamber Center at the Ciriaco S. Tirol Memorial Hospital in Boracay Island.

Boracay to Open New Hyperbaric Facility

Located strategically within the Boracay district hospital, the new hyperbaric chamber aims to significantly improve safety and healthcare for divers, addressing decompression sickness and other dive-related health issues more effectively.

Male Humpback Whales encounter
Male Humpback Whale encounter (Lyle Krannichfeld and Brandi Romano/granted by source)

Surprising Sexual Encounter Seen in Humpback Whales

Lyle Krannichfeld and Brandi Romano observed two whales circling near their boat before joining in sexual activity about five metres below their vessel, off the Molokini crater near Maui. They were able to photograph them, providing an unprecedented glimpse into the intimate lives of these marine giants. Dr. Stephanie H. Stack, marine mammal researcher in Hawaii, published the observations in a study.

Oceanic+ Dive Housing Awarded the 2024 Red Dot Product Design Award

This esteemed recognition underscores Oceanic's commitment to innovation and excellence in product design.

The Red Dot Award is an internationally renowned accolade, celebrating exceptional design quality and innovation across various industries. 

Each year, thousands of products from around the globe undergo rigorous evaluation by an expert panel of judges, with only the most outstanding designs receiving this esteemed award.

About Oceanic

Cookiecutter shark preserved
Cookiecutter shark preserved

Cookiecutter Shark Bites: Moonless Nights are Risky

Steven Minaglia, a faculty member from the University of Hawaiʻi with a passion for channel swimming has published a study that sheds light on the rare interactions between cookiecutter sharks (Isistius brasiliensis) and humans. Minaglia is an associate professor of obstetrics, gynaecology, and women’s health at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, and reveals how environmental factors can elevate the chances of being bitten.