Medical & Fitness

DAN Launches The DANcast, a Podcast To Inspire Safer Diving

The series combines practical knowledge with personal stories to inform and inspire. Building on DAN's educational mission, the podcast is intended to enhance listeners’ knowledge and empower them to make safer, smarter decisions during their own adventures.

The show brings together a variety of voices — safety and medical experts, researchers, equipment manufacturers, underwater photographers and filmmakers, dive operators, and other passionate professionals who believe in DAN's mission. 

Orcas (unknown author / CC BY-SA 4.0 via wikimedia commons)

Killer Whales' Specialized Attack on Whale Sharks

The study, which was led by Francesca Pancaldi, used photographic and video evidence to show how a pod of killer whales (Orcinus orca) employed a collaborative approach to target the whale sharks' pelvic area, including the claspers and pelvic fins. This strategy caused significant blood loss and allowed the killer whales access to the sharks’ lipid-rich livers, which is a highly nutritious part of the prey.

Connect With DAN at DEMA: Member Social, Appointments, Seminars, and More

Join DAN and your fellow dive industry professionals at the DAN Member Social at DEMA for an evening of conversation, refreshments, and fun. As your dive safety organization, we’ll raise a glass to all who work tirelessly to promote safe diving. 

We hope you’ll join us on Tuesday, November 19, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. in Ballrooms A and B at the Westgate Las Vegas

Meet With DAN

DAN Launches “Every Diver” Campaign Featuring Member Testimonials

Designed to promote DAN membership by raising awareness of the organization’s safety programs and its proven track record of helping divers, the campaign features compelling storytelling by DAN members from every corner of the dive industry. 

Each member has a unique story, but they share a common bond: Year after year, they all put their trust in DAN’s medical, safety, research, and insurance services.

DAN at 2024 Scuba Show

Divers Alert Network (DAN), the world’s leading dive safety organization, will connect with attendees next weekend at Scuba Show, Saturday, June 1, and Sunday, June 2, at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Throughout the event, the DAN team will be recording video testimonials in room 402A-B, located on the second floor of the venue near the event seminars. 

Equalising Ears: Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation

Diagram showing how the balloon is inserted and expanded inside the Eustachian tube. Photo: @ Spiggle & Theis Medizintechnik / CC BY 4.0 DEED

It can be devastating to your diving career if you are unable to equalise or have a lot of trouble doing so. The underlying cause may be a narrow Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the pharynx. Fortunately, this can be treated. Peter Symes reports.

Party with DAN at DEMA Show 2023

You are cordially invited to join the DAN team and your dive industry colleagues at The Sugar Mill (just across the street from the convention center) from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14. 

We’ll raise a glass to you — and all who help divers safely explore our underwater world. From food to music, there will be plenty of local flavor, so come ready for a taste of New Orleans. 

Diving Emergencies: New Service Allows Free Calls Over the Internet

We have introduced a new service allowing DAN Europe Members to call the emergency hotline also via the Internet.

This makes it now possible to contact our Alarm Center even when cellular signal reception is poor.

It also allows long-distance calls to be made without incurring excessive costs.

We remind you that you can contact the Alarm Center through the following channels: