
Wreck of WWII British submarine found off Malta

Wreck of WWII British submarine found off Malta

The wreck of the British submarine HMS Urge had been found in 130m (430ft) of water two miles off the coast of Malta.

British U class submarine HMS URGE under way.

HMS Urge—part of Britain's 10th Submarine Flotilla—left the Mediterranean island of Malta on April 27, 1942 but never made it to its destination of the Egyptian port of Alexandria. Until its discovery this summer, the reason for both the ship's disappearance and its final resting place were unknown. The discovery of HMS Urge suggests it sank in 1942 after hitting an explosive marine mine placed by an enemy German warship.

HMS Urge left Malta for the northern coast of Egypt on 27 April 1942 and was never seen again. The discovery of HMS Urge suggests it sank in 1942 after hitting an explosive marine mine placed by an enemy German warship.

A marine archaeology survey team from the University of Malta made the discovery. The wreck had been discovered a few months earlier but no announcement was made until the Ministry confirmed that the remains were of HMS Urge.

Professor Timmy Gambin said the wreck was "in absolutely fantastic condition."

"It's sitting upright on the seabed, very proud, in the direction it was ordered to take on its way to Alexandria," he told BBC Breakfast.


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