
TOP 10 Scuba Diving Pioneers - Global Underwater Explorers

TOP 10 Scuba Diving Pioneers - Global Underwater Explorers

GUE diver Nico Lurot presents TOP 10 Scuba Diving Pioneers

GUE diver Nico Lurot

Who are the Top 10 Scuba Diving Pioneers? It doesn't matter if you're a cave diver, wreck diver, deep diver, or none of the above. If Scuba Diving is your passion/profession, you owe a debt of gratitude to the pioneers that came before you, those that shaped the industry.

In this video, GUE diver Nico Lurot is going to count down the TOP 10 Scuba Diving Pioneers whom he believes had (some of) the biggest influences on the industry and sport we love.
