Content schedule

♦︎♦︎ Deadlines #114 ♦︎♦︎

Publish: 26 Aug 2022

Publish: 26 Aug 2022

Publish: 26 Aug 2022

Notes and other tasks

114 - News, published

  Ecology & Science  |  Ecology
  Ecology & Science  |  WhaleTales
  Ecology & Science  |  WhaleTales
  Ecology & Science  |  SharkTales
  Ecology & Science  |  WhaleTales
  Wrecks & Archaeology  |  WreckRap
  Wrecks & Archaeology  |  WreckRap
  Wrecks & Archaeology  |  WreckRap

Must be in issue!

  Wrecks & Archaeology  |  Wreckrap

114 - News | Not published but (about) ready

114 - News to write up

  Ecology & Science   for website   ???

Paraphrase text from press release
Images: some in email folder + contact source for more

  Ecology & Science     ???
  Ecology & Science   Travel news  
  Travel & Trips   Travel news  
  Wrecks & Archaeology     Scott ? < check
  Wrecks & Archaeology   Wrecks   ???
  Wrecks & Archaeology   WreckRap   Lelle ?
  Wrecks & Archaeology   WreckRap  
  Wrecks & Archaeology    

Hoping to interview Tomasz Stachura later on

  News   Shark Tales  

♦︎♦︎ Deadlines #115 ♦︎♦︎

Publish: 17 Oct 2022

Publish: 17 Oct 2022

Publish: 17 Oct 2022

115 - News to write up for columns

115 - News, Not published but ready

115 - News, published

  Ecology & Science  |  WhaleTales
  Ecology & Science  |  SharkTales
  Ecology & Science  |  Environment

Less interesting than other posts

  Ecology & Science  |  WhaleTales
  Ecology & Science  |  SharkTales
  Ecology & Science  |  Ecology
  Ecology & Science  |  Ecology

Place AFTER Cyprus

  Ecology & Science  |  Turtles
  Photo & Video
  Tech & Uddannelse  |  Tech news
  Tech and Training  |  Tech news
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Op'eds and commentaries  |  Ediorial
  Wrecks & Archaeology  |  WreckRap
  Wrecks & Archaeology  |  WreckRap
  Vrag & Arkæologi  |  WreckRap
  Wrecks & Archaeology  |  WreckRap
  Wrecks & Archaeology  |  WreckRap
  Vrag & Arkæologi


  News  |  News

♦︎♦︎ Deadlines #116 ♦︎♦︎

Publish: 05 Dec 2022

Publish: 05 Dec 2022

Publish: 05 Dec 2022

116 - News, published

116 - News, Not published but ready

116 - News to write up for columns


♦︎♦︎ Deadlines #117 ♦︎♦︎

Publish: 06 Feb 2023

Publish: 06 Feb 2023

Publish: 06 Feb 2023

♦︎♦︎ Deadlines #118 ♦︎♦︎

Publish on: 27 Apr 2023

Publish on: 27 Apr 2023

Publish on: 27 Apr 2023

♦︎♦︎ Deadlines #119 ♦︎♦︎

Publish: 08 Jun 2023

Publish: 08 Jun 2023

Publish: 08 Jun 2023

♦︎♦︎ Deadlines #120 ♦︎♦︎

Publish: 03 Aug 2023

Publish: 03 Aug 2023

Publish: 03 Aug 2023

Workflow and deadlines

The general idea, or ideal workflow, is that the production of each magazine is broken down into six stages. Each stage takes a week where we focus on different sections and aspects.

Each stage has it is own completion deadline.

This is to smooth out workloads and in particular to avoid everything piling up at the end which matters have a strong tendency to do.

Completion deadlines are usually on a Friday - so weekends are kept free - but may be moved up sooner around holidays, events and dive shows.

Layout begins 6 weeks prior to publication.

Countdown to publication


Unplaced | Offers  |  Ideas

▶︎ Travel Features

Nuswanto Lobbu

Reminders, comments,...

Silke & Rainer Schimpf

Reminders, comments,...


Reminders, comments,...

Kate Jonker

Kate says she is working on the text in December...

David Pearlman

David P wraps up a book mid-Sept about the same subject.

Susanne Lundvall
Mahmut Suner

Rico helps coordinating

Michel Braunstein

#1. Move to some other issue. #2. We have only received low-res sample images. Request hi-res! Text problematic.

Don Silcock

Don not able to go yet due to Covid and weather/water conditions... Check again on this story

Frankie Grant

Have not heard from author after several emails...

Christopher Bartlett
Michal Guba
Mike Salvarezza and Chris Weaver
Andrey Bizyukin
Aleksei Kondratuk w(Tim Rock)
Mike Salvarezza and Chris Weaver
Don Silcock

▶︎ Wrecks & Archaeology

Michael Menduno

Ask M2 if there are pictures too.

Andrea "Murdock" Alpini

Not inhouse. Contact author to find out if he still plans to submit articles...

Vic Verlinden
Andi Peters
Peter Wytykowski

▶︎ Ecology & Science

Christian Skauge + Peter

Christian has sent photo-feature with captions. Look into rewriting into a proper feature about starfish? (Peter)

Scott Johnson

Request texts + images

Steve Rosenberg
Peter Symes

▶︎ Photo & Video

Anders Persson

Article from Sportsdykaren

MIke Bartick

▶︎ Lifestyle & Art

▶︎ Profiles & Interviews

Don Silcock
Don Silcock

Text is from 2013. Update needed


Check office@ email folder: Editorial contacts > Frequents > Raf - Farhat Jah

Peter Symes

Wrote with Eric B. He is up for it

Peter Symes

Interview in Portugal - @ Diving Talks

Just an idea. Haven't contacted TS yet

Peter Symes

▶︎ Q & As

▶︎ Op'eds & commentaries

▶︎ Other Stuff

Check! It is long. Previous posted elsewhere

Reminders, comments,...

Darryl Owen

Talked at Human Factors conference


A comparison of ethical and legal differences between the US, Europe and rest of the world Peter?

Martin Sampson

Old offer. Check again with Martin

▶︎ Equipment

Peter Venoutsos

Old offer. Re-inquire. Could be done in connection with a wetsuit feature for content marketing's sake

▶︎ Tech & Training

Interview by Francis Le Guen

Text and images already published elsewhere

Matt Jevon

Lost track of what it was about and who does it 🤔

Susan Paulson

PETER: Ask Lelle for text and images

Gennady Misan

Reminders, comments,...

Mark Powell
Mark Powell

Mark reminded on 5 Aug

Pierre Constant

test test test

Simon Mitchell

▶︎ Historical Diving

Reminders, comments,...

Christian Skauge, via Lelle

Supplemental feature if needed.
Images are public domain.
Text by Chr. Skauge. Ok to translate and publish.

Andrey Bizyukin