My Favorite Black & White: Contributors' Picks

Salem Express wreck. Photo by Kate Jonker
Photo by Kate Jonker: Salem Express, Southern Red Sea, Egypt. Gear: Canon EOS 7D Mark II camera, Tokina 10-17mm fisheye lens, Sea&Sea housing, two Inon Z240 strobes. Exposure: ISO 100, f/5.6, 1/60s

We asked our contributors what their favorite black-and-white underwater photographs were, and they came back with diverse and dramatic images and stories captured under the waves.

BSAC launches Advanced Ocean Diver course

Advanced Ocean Diver (AOD) is an optional course that gives new divers more choice and flexibility as they progress with their training.

The course is open to all Ocean Divers (or divers who have an equivalent certification from another recognised diver training agency and have also completed Nitrox training) aged 14 and over.


The Advanced Ocean Diver course includes four theory sessions, which can be completed either via eLearning or in person with an instructor, giving flexibility for students and instructors.

Swimming with Whale Sharks in Cancun

Snorkeler with whaleshark in Cancun, Mexico. Photo by Brandi Mueller
Snorkeler with whaleshark in Cancun, Mexico. Photo by Brandi Mueller

Some ocean animals are just inspiring. To be able to glimpse a massive animal like a whale shark can be a lifelong dream that some divers never get to experience. The ocean’s largest living fish inhabits all of the world’s tropical waters, but sightings are usually rare. However, there are a few seasonal hot spots where the likelihood increases.