
Rob Stewart promotional photo

[update] Sharkwater director Rob Stewart's body found

Stewart is best known for his 2006 documentary Sharkwater in which he examined and exposed the shark-hunting industries of the world and the effect upon the ocean ecosystem.

Rob Stewart, 37, was diving with a small group on the wreck of the Queen of Nassau near Alligator Reef off Lower Matecumbe Key in about 225 feet of water, his sister Alexandra Stewart told Miami Herald on Wednesday morning. He was filming an installment of his Sharkwater documentary series, she said.

Ron Akeson (1957-2014) - Mission Well Done

Technical Dive Instructor Ron Akeson

I don’t think a week ever went by where I didn’t hear Ron tell someone at his Bellingham dive store, “My motto in life follows the saying: growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.” If you ever had the pleasure of knowing or meeting Ron Akeson, you probably understood how he viewed life, because he truly believed in trying to squeeze in every little bit of living into each and every day!

Wes Skiles' cause of death is being listed as an accidental drowning.
Wes Skiles' cause of death is being listed as an accidental drowning.

Wes Skiles' death remains a mystery

Skiles died while on a dive off Boynton Beach, Florida, on July 21, 2010. He signalled to the other divers that he was ascending because he was out of film (although not technically shooting "film" in this digital age)

His body was found on the reef, shortly after that. Attempts to revive him were unsuccessful and he was subsequently pronounced dead at a local hospital.

In 1985, Skiles founded Karst Productions and continued his underwater film career.