X-Ray Mag #75

Cover image issue 75
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Feature articles in this issue with stand-alone pdfs

Rising out of the depths, a shape emerges from the shadows, methodically swimming in a wide arc. The outline is unmistakable, as it continues to climb and inch closer at every turn. With one last pass, seemingly in slow motion, I am struck by the sheer enormity of the creature in front of me.

Visions of Martin Brody voicing his famous line, “You’re gonna need a bigger boat,” play through my head. Fortunately, I am not on a small fishing boat, nor is this the demonic, mechanical shark from the movie "Jaws".

Ila France Porcher   Larry Cohen and Peter Symes

While studying reef sharks in Tahiti, I became fascinated by the behavior of the remoras accompanying them. They were fish of the <i>Echeneidae</i> family, and ranged in size from a few centimeters to about 50cm long. They were pretty silver fish with widened heads, and often a black racing stripe. With their transparent fins and tails, and their exaggerated horizontal undulations while swimming, they had a showy look, and their behavior was unexpectedly complex.


Other articles and news in this edition
