
Diver swims over the two-masted schooner, Walter B. Allen, which sank in 1880.
Diver swims over the two-masted schooner, Walter B. Allen, which sank in 1880.

New Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary established by NOAA

At the time of its designation in 2021, the sanctuary included 36 known shipwrecks dating from the 1830s to the 1930s, including Wisconsin's two oldest known shipwrecks, the schooners Gallinipper, which was constructed in 1833 and sank in 1851, and Home, which was built in 1843 and sank in 1858.

Filephoto: Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus)

New Population of Pygmy Blue Whales Discovered

Pygmy blue whales are the smallest members of the blue whale family, but that's the only small thing about them: they can reach up to 24 meters long.

Despite their enormous size, blue whales have been difficult to observe in the Southern Hemisphere as they live offshore and don't jump around like the humpback whales; thus, for some regions, their population structure, distribution and migration routes remain poorly understood. In particular, little is known about the blue whales in the northern Indian Ocean.

Please Give Food

Please donate and help the dive community.

What is needed:

Rice, Sugar, Flour, Eggs, Biscuits, Cooking Oil, Canned Foods, Noodles, Milk tin/powder

Locations of the campaign include:

Kota Kinabalu, Semporna, Pulau Tioman, Pulau Perhentian


Cash donations are also warmly welcomed.

To make a cash donation:

Bank details: MAYBBANK

Malaysia Scuba Diving Association

Account No: 5144 4053 3032


For information, call:

Chromis viridis (green chromis) is a species of damselfish.

Fish trust friends in a crisis

In social animals living in the wild, individuals rely on their buddies to alert them if a predator is lurking.

All animals aim to balance the risk of predation against the energy investment necessary to execute an escape, to maximise the number of correct reactions (e.g. reacting to the presence of a predator) and minimise reactions to inaccurate information (e.g. reacting to harmless stimuli).

Trust among individuals is critical. This is true for humans as well as many other species, including fishes.

Study co-author Jacob Johansen, Ph.D.

A diver examines the remains of an ancient military vessel discovered in the Mediterranean sunken city of Thonis-Heracleion off the coast of Alexandria, Egypt, in this handout image released on July 19, 2021.
A diver examines the remains of an ancient military vessel discovered in the Mediterranean sunken city of Thonis-Heracleion off the coast of Alexandria, Egypt, in this handout image released on July 19, 2021.

Egypt finds ancient military vessel

Prior to the founding of Alexandria by Alexander the Great in the year 331 BC, Thônis-Heracleion was the largest port city in Egypt, controlling the entrance to the country at the mouth of a western branch of the Nile River and dominating the area for centuries.

Destroyed and sunk along with a wide area of the Nile delta by several earthquakes and tidal waves, Thônis-Heracleion was rediscovered in 2001 in Abu Qir Bay near Alexandria, now Egypt's second-largest city.


World Shoutout 2021 Registration Open

This year, like last year rules are different, it is time to check your archives for what you have achieved, as "pictures of your life" competition is for the best photos you have taken in past years. 

Deadline for registration and submitting images November 1st, 2021
At the end of the competition, a digital album will be produced to be sent to all participants

Dive Green with Explorer Ventures Liveaboard Fleet

Starting back in 1987, Explorer Ventures put environmental consciousness at the heart of their business model before “sustainability” was an operational buzzword. This strong foundation has helped them navigate the changing tides of the pandemicand follow their customized sustainability management policy called Dive Green.

Underwater Photography on a $500 Budget

UW photography gear under $500
UW photography gear under $500 from Olympus, Ricoh, Fujifilm, Minolta, GoPro and Diveroid

Scuba diving is not really an inexpensive hobby, considering the costs of training, equipment and travelling. Furthermore, many divers love to capture images and videos of all the things they have seen underwater. So, underwater photography then adds an additional burden onto one’s piggy bank.

Sharing resources in a civilised manner? Sharks at Tiger Beach don't get into a food fight but appear to wait patiently in line for their turn.

Shark species takes turns hunting

Niche partitioning of time, space or resources is considered the key to allowing the coexistence of competitor species, and particularly guilds of predators such as sharks.

However, the extent to which these processes occur in marine systems is poorly understood due to the difficulty in studying fine-scale movements and activity patterns in mobile underwater species.

Sensationalised depictions of sharks in shark movies rarely reflect what really happens in real life
Sensationalised depictions of sharks in shark movies rarely reflect what really happens in real life

96% of shark movies portray sharks as being a threat to humans

In this day and age, with the prevalence of anti-shark fin soup campaigns and the ease with which accurate information about sharks can be disseminated, one might have reasonably expected sharks to be better portrayed in the movies.

That it may be seen as the majestic and graceful apex predator that it is, instead of a mindless man-eater bent on chomping down on screaming humans. 

Well, one can hope.

In a world-first study by University of South Australia, researchers looked into how sharks were being portrayed in movies.