Update: Dive Munda Phase 2 Youth Training Sponsorship Campaign

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Update: Dive Munda Phase 2 Youth Training Sponsorship Campaign

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Press Release

Congratulations to the first 12 local Munda youth that have now successfully completed their SSI Advance Adventurer course!

The past 2 weeks, we saw the awesome launch of Phase 2 of our Youth Sponsorship Program.

We want to thank our fabulous sponsors below for creating these awesome opportunities for our youth!

  • Marie Blevin & Dario Accoto;

  • David Strassman

  • Noboro Yamabe

  • Shane MacKay

  • Bruce Wynia

  • Michael Gaumann

Although our borders remain closed for now, we continue to focus on doing good for our oceans, reefs, communities, youth and sharks! Making a difference during the #covid19 crisis..... #weareallinthistogether #bethechange #communities #conservation #plasticfree #coralrestoration

Some of the incredible initiatives you can still participate in during Phase 2 of our Youth Training Sponsorship Program:

1. Train a group of 12 local girls certified under phase 1 to start off the Munda plastic recycling project.

2. Train a group of 15 local Munda certified youth under Phase 1 to spearhead our coral restoration and rehabilitation program.

3. With your donation, we will embark upon monthly beach and underwater clean-up dives.

4. Sponsor a local youth to do the SSI Advance Adventurer certification course. We will offer this course at the same special subsidized rate of $250 AUD per certification. We already have 15 sponsors lined up for this!

It is not too late, connect today by sending us an email to dive@divemunda.com and you can select a credit card payment or bank transfer payment or you can Donate to our fundraiser page.
