
Russia's Lake Teletskoye

Lake Teletskoye, Russia. Photo by R. Vorobyev & T. Klimenko
Boulders in Lake Teletskoye, Russia, are the size of cars. Photo by R. Vorobyev & T. Klimenko

Somewhere, far from civilisation, there is a secret place, lost among the high mountains and impassable wild forests. Here, where, for a hundred kilometres, you will not meet another person, there are roaring streams of waterfalls breaking from steep coasts, and in winter, instead of ice-bound lakes and rivers, waves rage.

Plinio III Wreck

Rare historical photo of Plinio III, Lake Como, Italy (Museo Barca Lariana/Public Domain)
Rare historical photo of Plinio III, Lake Como, Italy (Museo Barca Lariana/Public Domain)

Lake Como is famous worldwide for its beauty, the charm of its ancient villas, stunning lake views, iconic village of Bellagio and romantic setting. Under its surface, Lake Como hides hundreds of hidden treasures: ancient wrecks and incredible stories. One of those wrecks lies in the northern corner of the lake.

Mexico's Socorro: Sharks, Dolphins, Mantas & More

Oceanic manta ray, Socorro, Mexico. Photo by Kate Holt
Oceanic manta ray, Socorro, Mexico. Photo by Kate Holt

We leveled off at 25m and the visibility was perfect. I could see my two buddies to my left—Kate adjusting her housing strobes and Dominic turning on his GoPro action camera. A group of silvertip sharks were casually circling a cleaning station, this one manned by bright yellow angelfish. They gave us a glance, but mostly, they were unconcerned. A few whitetip sharks emerged from the drop-off below to join us. More sharks—my favorite.

Emperor Divers Recognizes 4th ‘Covid Diver Heroes’ Award

Nominated by David White, Phuong Cao wins a free liveaboard trip in the Maldives when she can finally take some time off, and here is her story:

I, David White, would like to nominate Phuong Cao (36) for her tireless efforts fighting this pandemic. Not satisfied with being a frontline hospitalist in New York she took a second job on the COVID team in Guam to treat patients under even tougher conditions on her weeks off!

DAN to host COVID and Environmental Considerations Webinar

The live event is scheduled for 07.00 AEST, 17.00 EST, 22.00 BST, 23.00 CET.  

It is important that divers understand the important role that cleaning and disinfecting dive gear plays in minimising the spread of illnesses, including COVID-19

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Samples of carbonate rocks from the Del Mar East Methane Seep Field, USA
Samples of carbonate rocks from the Del Mar East Methane Seep Field, USA

Deep-sea bacteria release carbon into the atmosphere

Researchers made the discovery when they studied sulfur-oxidising bacteria in methane seeps on the ocean floor at the Del Mar East Methane Seep Field, USA. These seeps contain collections of limestone that trap large amounts of carbon.

They then observed that in the process of oxidising sulfur, the bacteria creates an acidic reaction that dissolves the rocks and this causes the carbon trapped inside the limestone to be released.

Their findings was published in the The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology

Long Beach Scuba Show 2021 Cancelled

Last year, we told you that there was "no way to responsibly hold an event of this size with people from around the world for the foreseeable future." When we wrote that, we never would have guessed the "foreseeable future" would extend well over a year.

To bridge the gap, we are working on a resource for divers - for you. Information from our exhibitors with videos, specials, new products, travel and more.

A deep dive into the diving talks

The objective of the DIVING talks organization is to ramp up a different type of event. A much more immersive experience with spaces and moments where the show happens: speakers and attendees network, and brands communicate.

The "Talks" won't be confined to the classic in-room format; speakers can present their talks in one of the different "stages" available.



Diveheart partners with Tourism Malaysia for Moscow Dive Show 2021
Diveheart partners with Tourism Malaysia for Moscow Dive Show 2021

Diveheart partners with Tourism Malaysia for Moscow Dive Show 2021

The exhibition is an excellent opportunity to connect with divers in Russia and Eastern Europe and widen the adaptive diving community, according to Jim Elliott, founder of Diveheart.

“We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the life-changing power of scuba diving. There really are no boundaries to what we can achieve, and we have seen time and time again how educational scuba therapy has built confidence and transformed the lives of people with disabilities all over the world,” said Elliott.

Steve Tippetts, Doug Ebersole, Danny Graham, Innerspace, Grand Cayman, rebreather diving, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, XRay Mag, X-Ray Magazine, ccr safety news, scuba diving news
From left to right: Steve Tippetts, Doug Ebersole and Danny Graham getting ready to dive at Innerspace 2012, Grand Cayman

RTC advice—use checklists!

After such a long lay-off out of the water, it is not surprising that several agencies are issuing safety statements as Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns are relaxed, and divers around the world get ready to resume diving.

The latest piece of advice has been issued by the Rebreather Training Council

A checklist is probably the cheapest piece of life support equipment a technical diver will own, but it will look after you, dive after dive. RTC

Photo by Jesper Risløv
EUF Lavanchy Award was presented to X-Ray Mag founder Peter Symes.

EUF Lavanchy Award presented to X-Ray Mag's founder

Nowadays, digital publications are common, but back in 2003, when Peter Symes had the vision to establish and produce X-Ray Mag—the first digital dive publication—this was not the case. “Peter has created a publication that the whole world reads, because it covers the many aspects of our sport in depth: destinations, science, media, safety, research, equipment, people, places, etc,” stated the EUF in a press release.