Dive Medicine

Equalising Ears: Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation

Diagram showing how the balloon is inserted and expanded inside the Eustachian tube. Photo: @ Spiggle & Theis Medizintechnik / CC BY 4.0 DEED

It can be devastating to your diving career if you are unable to equalise or have a lot of trouble doing so. The underlying cause may be a narrow Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the pharynx. Fortunately, this can be treated. Peter Symes reports.

DAN Announces DEMA Party, Seminar Schedule and More

As your dive safety organization, we’ll raise a glass to all who work tirelessly to promote safe diving. We hope you’ll join us on Tuesday, November 14, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Sugar Mill (right across the street from the convention center).

Meet With DAN

If you’re planning to be at the show, make an appointment to meet with us and learn what DAN can do for your dive business.

DAN Welcomes 2023 Interns

The DAN Internship Program was created 24 years ago to give qualified students valuable experience in dive safety research. The scope of the program aligns with DAN’s goals of helping divers in need, promoting dive safety through education, and expanding outreach and communication initiatives.

The interns will spend time this summer at DAN’s headquarters in Durham, North Carolina, to work on various projects and research efforts.

Pros Choose DAN Liability Insurance

DAN has made it easier than ever to purchase a policy — get an instant quote today at DAN.org/Liability.

When you choose DAN RRG or DAN World Insurance Group SP, you get more than just an insurance company.

Having reinvested over $100 million in dive safety programs, DAN stands alone as the only liability insurance carriers that reinvest proceeds in dive safety programs for the benefit of divers everywhere.

‘Health of Divers’ study into lungs ask for your help

Having healthy lungs is an essential and important part of good diving and never more so since the outbreak of COVID-19. 

In this study which is all about you and your lungs, DDRC wants to focus on Vaping, Asthma, IPO (Immersion Pulmonary Oedema) and COVID-19.

For those of you who have taken part in their studies before you will know that there will also be the usual general health questions and the diving demographic questions too. 

DAN Safety Services Has Your Back

Check out our new video to learn how DAN Safety Services can help your dive business operate as safely as possible.

DAN Safety Services works to help dive professionals mitigate risks, prevent accidents, and manage dive-related injuries through a variety of programs and channels, including publications, e-learning courses, free phone consultations, online tools, safety products, and first aid training.

Help Make Diving Safer: Work at DAN!

As diving continues to pick up post-pandemic, DAN is stronger than ever and needs qualified professionals in several key areas to serve our growing international membership.

DAN offers competitive salaries, company subsidized health insurance, a generous 401k program, and other employee benefits that show we value our employees. Open positions include the following opportunities to work at DAN headquarters in Durham, North Carolina:

Preconditioning for Safer Scuba Diving

This column is adapted from a chapter in my book, Scuba Physiological – Think you know all about Scuba Medicine? Think Again! The chapters in this book were originally written by scientists in the field of decompression research as part of a three-year project called PHYPODE (Physiology of Decompression). My (self-appointed) task was to rewrite their sometimes-complex research in a form accessible to all divers.

DAN Thanks Dive Pros and Businesses for a Great 2022

Its Enhanced Membership, launched earlier this year, has already been adopted by more than half of its members.

Its liability insurance program has been embraced by every training agency in the industry.

And now, DAN has the highest number of Business Members and Professional Members in the history of the organization.

“We are so grateful for the support we receive from the wonderful people of this industry,” said DAN president and CEO Bill Ziefle.