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Amazing Animals You Can See Underwater, Volumes One and Two, Now Available
Press Release
Announcing the next 2 books in the Wise Divers eBook series — Amazing Animals You Can See Underwater Volumes One and Two.
With an emphasis on sharing fascinating behaviors, the text and photographs combine to provide an overview of the natural history of a variety of animals that are commonly encountered by scuba divers and snorkelers when they don a mask, snorkel, and fins and explore the world beneath the waves.
The books are written as a wishlist for recreational divers and as a way of encouraging non-divers to become certified and join thousands of others in exploring the world beneath the waves. Illustrated with more than 400 photographs, the eBooks are presented in an easy-to-read, yet educational format.
Each book features 20 animals, groups of animals, and animal families with photographs taken in their natural habitat. Written and photographed by Marty Snyderman and Eric Riesch, both eBooks are available from Apple Book Store and from Amazon.com Kindle.
Apple Books Preview: https://apple.co/3zSeHeJ and https://apple.co/2Sn3FNz
Amazon Preview: https://amzn.to/3xMHEHc and https://amzn.to/3xMHIGW
Website - https://wisedivers.com
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for more information: info@wisedivers.com