August 2023

Posidonia oceanica, almindeligvis kendt som Neptungræs eller Middelhavsbåndgræs, er en ålegræsart, der er endemisk (hjemmehørende – red.) i Middelhavet. Den danner store undervandsenge, som er en vigtig del af økosystemet.

Ålegræs indfanger og binder kulstof takket være symbiotiske bakterier

Ålegræs har, som alle andre planter, brug for gødningsstoffer, især kvælstof (N). Hidtil har man antaget, at kvælstoffet optages af ålegræsset gennem blade og rødder fra det omgivende havvand og sediment, altså havbunden. Men i mange af de regioner, hvor ålegræs er mest udbredt, er der kun lidt kvælstof at finde. Og selvom der er rigeligt med kvælstof i havet i sin elementære form (N2), d.v.s. som opløst gas, kan ålegræs ikke optage det. 

I am therefore I think. Because I think, justice should also be extended to me?

Justice for All Sentient Beings?

Most of us will agree that we should not be cruel to animals but treat them nicely. We have animal welfare laws in place, for example, and pet owners will testify that their animals—often considered members of the family—have personalities and feelings. It is also widely accepted that a number of wild animals possess considerable intelligence and social skills, such as primates, marine animals, and some birds, to name a few.

Over the course of decades, polluted and warmer waters have bleached and killed up to 95% of Florida's corals.

Florida's Coral Reefs Under Siege from Rising Temperatures

Florida's coral reefs, a vital marine ecosystem, have been under severe threat due to extreme ocean temperatures this summer. The coral reefs, besides being biodiversity hotspots, also serve as a protective barrier against coastal erosion and are a significant source of revenue through tourism.

Efforts to protect and restore these reefs have been ongoing for decades. Coral restoration, which involves planting coral fragments, has been a primary method employed by scientists.

The hogfish, also known as boquinete, doncella de pluma or pez perro in Mexico is a species of wrasse native to the Western Atlantic Ocean
The hogfish, also known as boquinete, doncella de pluma or pez perro in Mexico is a species of wrasse native to the Western Atlantic Ocean

Light-sensing Skin Cells Make Hogfish a Master of Camouflage

Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus, possess an uncanny ability to alter their skin colour, transitioning from a mottled white to a deep coral orange within mere seconds. This remarkable transformation is a survival mechanism, allowing them to seamlessly blend with their environment, evading potential predators.

SS Express sank off Orkney in 1918 under circumstances which has been a topic of debate for over a century

The SS Express: A Century-Old Mystery Resolved Off Orkney

A team of British divers have identified the wreck of the SS Express, a ship that sank off Orkney in 1918, resulting in the loss of 13 lives. The vessel, which had been a vital lifeline connecting Orkney to mainland Scotland, met its unfortunate end following a collision with another ship, the HMS Grenville.

The moon jelly is found in the North, Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas, Northeast Atlantic, Greenland, northeastern USA and Canada, Northwest Pacific and South America.

Ode to the Moon Jelly

Moon jellyfish, ethereal and fair,

Drifting through the depths, a ballet in air.

Translucent bodies, a delicate grace,

Invisible currents guide your embrace.

Moonlit tendrils, trailing behind,

A dance of beauty, nature's design.

Gentle pulsations, rhythmic and slow,

In the tranquil sea's ebb and flow.

Mysteries hidden in your gelatinous form,

A testament to life's diverse norm.

social sharks
Research has begun to challenge the long-standing perception of sharks as solitary hunters, revealing instead a complex social structure that requires a high level of cognitive function.

Sharks as social and sentient beings

Recent scientific research has begun to challenge the long-standing perception of sharks as solitary hunters. Rather, it reveals their complex social structure that is borne out of a high level of cognitive function.

In fact, these studies suggest that sharks possess a level of social intelligence, problem-solving skills and even emotional intelligence that far surpass previous beliefs, offering a fresh perspective on their behaviour and potential sentience.

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X-Ray Magazine goes beyond mere article writing. Our team comprises seasoned photojournalists and adept divers who are passionate about capturing the allure and essence of underwater adventures, the charm of land-based attractions, and the heartbeat of local cultures.

We are in the business of crafting award-winning travel reports that do more than just tell a story. They plunge readers into a world of vibrant imagery, evoke deep emotions, and leave a lasting imprint.


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