Sharing resources in a civilised manner? Sharks at Tiger Beach don't get into a food fight but appear to wait patiently in line for their turn.

Shark species takes turns hunting

Niche partitioning of time, space or resources is considered the key to allowing the coexistence of competitor species, and particularly guilds of predators such as sharks.

However, the extent to which these processes occur in marine systems is poorly understood due to the difficulty in studying fine-scale movements and activity patterns in mobile underwater species.

Sensationalised depictions of sharks in shark movies rarely reflect what really happens in real life
Sensationalised depictions of sharks in shark movies rarely reflect what really happens in real life

96% of shark movies portray sharks as being a threat to humans

In this day and age, with the prevalence of anti-shark fin soup campaigns and the ease with which accurate information about sharks can be disseminated, one might have reasonably expected sharks to be better portrayed in the movies.

That it may be seen as the majestic and graceful apex predator that it is, instead of a mindless man-eater bent on chomping down on screaming humans. 

Well, one can hope.

In a world-first study by University of South Australia, researchers looked into how sharks were being portrayed in movies.

Russian 16th Century Discovery: Battle of Sudbischen

Artifacts from the 16th century Battle of Sudbischen. Photo by Stanislav Trofimov
Artifacts from the Russian 16th century Battle of Sudbischen found in the Gogol River by divers from Oryol dive club DIVO. Photo by Stanislav Trofimov

In the spring of 2021, Oryol divers discovered the site where the Battle of Sudbischen took place in 1555. This battle between the Russian army and the Crimean horde was a fateful event, in name and in nature, in the history of Russia during the era of Ivan the Terrible.