Lusitania: The Underwater Collection, by Vic Verlinden

Lusitania: The Underwater Collection
Lusitania: The Underwater Collection

X-Ray Mag contributor, wreck diver and underwater photographer Vic Verlinden and his team conducted "Lusitania—Project 17," a five-year thorough study documenting and photographing the wreck. His efforts over five expeditions have resulted in this hardcover book, telling the story of this illustrious vessel.

Brains of stranded marine mammals have shown the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, according to new research

Toothed whales show signs of Alzheimer's disease

A study of 22 toothed whales which died in strandings along the Scottish coast shows that some of them exhibited hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, and this might have—at least in part—caused the stranding incident.

The dolphin species involved in the study were five species: Risso’s dolphins, long-finned pilot whales, white-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises and bottlenose dolphins.