X-Ray Mag #20

Cover image issue 20 by Andrea Ferrari
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Feature articles in this issue with stand-alone pdfs

Do divers really need underwater lamps?

It is a simple question to which there is no simple answer, as it all depends... If you are mostly diving in Southeast Asia or the Caribbean where visibility is fantastic, during days of bright sunshine and in waters of 20m or less, you probably don’t need one. But if you plan on diving in lakes, doing night dives, penetrating wrecks or do any sort of technical dive, then a good lamp becomes an essential part of your diving gear

Text edited by Gunild Symes   Micheline Lamarre Hadjis ,

Canadian artist, Micheline Lamarre Hadjis, loves color. Her paintings are rich with vibrant hues. The images draw the viewer into another world where light and shadow, contrast and form burst from the canvas with vitality and luminosity.

Inger Lise Monse   Espen Rekdal

The Norang valley is clothed in pale green birch leaves and sprouting grass, and the mountains rise majestically up in to the clouds. The mountain tops are completely snow covered, and at the foot of the mountains are large masses of stone from both new and older landslides. A small red car with four divers drives slowly down the valley stopping excitedly at each small lake to check the visibility and condition on the bottom.

We have written much here in this magazine about the different properties of water. Some of them, such as surface tension, are of importance to the ability of aquatic fauna to function in their given environment. For example, surface tension permits water skaters to skate on the surface of the water where its habitat is neither the water below the surface nor the air above.

However, more than a purely physical phenomenon, osmosis is of importance for life itself, for no physical phenomenon has any greater importance in biology than does osmosis. Without osmosis neither animal cells nor plant cells could function. Not only this, osmosis also appears in many different guises in our everyday existence. So, what is this strange phenomenon?

How to deal with an unconscious rebreather diver?

The title of this article was originally: “What to do if a convulsion happens”. Based on a lot of discussion, private or on various forums, the protocol being presented here can actually be used for any kind of situation where an unconscious rebreather diver is found underwater.

We have reported on the plight of the sea turtles before. We have reported how they were being butchered by the thousands. And we have asked for your support and signatures on a petition to stop the slaughter of these ancient ocean citizens.

It is now time to report back that your support has made a real difference. But the fight is not quite over yet...

Gunild & Peter Symes   Peter Symes & Andrey Bizyukin, PhD

Russia. I am here. I am gripped by a sense of disbelief. As the tundra flies past the train window recollections of grainy tv-images from my childhood keep popping up. The marching soldiers and missile batteries being paraded across the red square before the pouty looking Leonid Breshnev and the politbureau looking on from the top of Lenin’s mausoleum. That was scary days. The Iron curtain was impenetrable and Russia was a place only for spies and covert business men and diplomats. That is what it felt like anyway. So here I am, sipping tea in a old, but very confortable sleeper wagon heading up north from Sct. Petersburg towards the artic circle and some spectacular diving during the long days.

Photo by Kurt Amsler.

Incredible as it may sound, one of the most difficult creatures to shoot under water is a human being. That is, if your goal is to integrate a diver in the underwater environment as a natural, harmonious element. Let’s look at some of the more important factors in achieving a great diver portrait.


Other articles and news in this edition
