
Filephoto - T-33 fighter
Filephoto - T-33 fighter

Fighter jet lost 50 years ago found

The searchers were looking for another missing plane when they came upon the wreckage of a Lockheed T-33A jet trainer

The Air Force accident report identifies the pilots as Lt. Richard Martin Theiler and Lt. Paul Dale Smith. Theiler had 1,244 hours of flying experience, and Smith had 430.

Computer expert Gary Fabian is the founder of a group of unpaid volunteer enthusiasts who discovered a missing World War I German U-boat off the California coast in 2003.

As every Jaws fan knows, sharks can smell a drop of blood from up to a kilometer away, but how are their noses so sensitive?
As every Jaws fan knows, sharks can smell a drop of blood from up to a kilometer away, but how are their noses so sensitive?

How hammerhead sharks sniff out their prey

Dr Jonathan Cox from the University’s Department of Chemistry has been working with researchers from the University of Cambridge and the Natural History Museum in London, testing a scale model of a hammerhead shark in a flow tank to see how the water flows around the nasal cavity of its strange flattened head.

This goby is only found in the Benguela ecosystem, one of the world’s most productive fisheries area.
This goby is only found in the Benguela ecosystem, one of the world’s most productive fisheries area.

Fish holding its breath

The unique fish is called the Benguela-goby, or bearded goby, and is found only on the anoxic continental shelf outside Namibia and South-Africa. Since the collapse of the sardine fisheries, this goby has become the new predominant prey species for larger fish, birds and mammals in the region

Cages or no cages? ... Whose business is it anyway?

Weighing in at up to 3,000 pounds and attaining lengths of 18 feet, Great White sharks are among the ocean’s most feared yet revered inhabitants. Having a face-to-face encounter with the ocean’s apex predator is a bona-fide adrenaline rush, with divers worldwide shelling out mega bucks and travelling great distances for the privilege.

Boasting pristine blue water with 100-foot visibility, Guadalupe Island situated west of Baja California, Mexico, is one of the world’s premier Great White destinations.

While the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in sharks and other fish does not necessarily harm them the findings point to a growing problem for human health.
While the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in sharks and other fish does not necessarily harm them the findings point to a growing problem for human health.

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in sharks

A team of researchers led by Jason Blackburn of the University of Florida sampled and tested 134 fish living in coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Belize, and Massachusetts for signs of drug-resistant bacteria, using a suite of twelve common antibiotics. Resistance was found everywhere they looked, to varying degrees. Pronounced resistance to an array of drugs was found in sharks in Dry Tortugas National Park in the Florida Keys, for example.

Shark cartilage products are also sold as "a natural source of protein, calcium, phosphorous, and zinc, which promote strong bones and healthy teeth, enhances metabolism, and aid enzymes in the digestion process. "

Myth debunked: Shark cartilage has no benefit in cancer

Hopes that shark cartilage would prove to be a useful treatment for cancer were not borne out in one of the most rigorously designed and executed studies of an alternative therapy ever conducted. Adding a drug derived from shark cartilage to standard cancer treatments did not improve survival among patients with late-stage lung cancer in the study.

The endangered Spotted Handfish are found on sandy sediments at the bottom of Tasmania's Derwent estuary and adjoining bays.

Nine new species for disappearing handfish family

The review of the handfishes brings the family to 14 known species – six found only in Tasmania and one known from only one specimen possibly collected in Tasmania by early European explorers, yet not recorded since. It also deepens concerns about the declining populations of some handfishes.

Beating jet lag

Our daily sleep cycles, behaviour, and metabolism, are regulated by a powerful master clock in an area of the brain known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus. This 'circadian' clock, located in the hypothalamus, is controlled by some special brain cells, which, in turn, are highly sensitive to daylight. The suprachiasmatic nucleus coordinates our body's internal processes with the external environment, helping us maintain a regular sleep-wake cycle.

Ginger is a popular remedy against motion sickness
Ginger is a popular remedy against motion sickness

Getting seasick? Try Controlling Your Breathing

The technique presumably works because it helps control gravity sensors in the abdomen--a lesser-known input to our fine-tuned balance system.

The brain is traditionally thought to sense body position in three ways. The inner ears sense motions of the head; the eyes see where the head is; and tiny sensory organs in muscles and tendons sense where the rest of the body is.

British destroyer HMS Volage.

Wreckage of British destroyer found

Forty-four sailors perished while another forty-two were injured in the incident. The two ships managed to make their way to the Greek island of Corfu for repairs. Nevertheless, the incident sparked off a diplomatic row at the time.

Then, three months ago, the wreckage of the HMS Volage was discovered in the Ionian Sea, but the discovery was only made public this month.

Juvenille dusky shark
Juvenille dusky shark

Sharks pups survive on 'super livers'

While using the liver as an energy store and for buoyancy is well documented in adult sharks, this study provides the first evidence of a decline in liver mass of newborn sharks, from 20% of body weight at birth to 6% when they start to feed themselves.

Research by a Bangor University-led international team found that during the critical period after birth, shark pups lose weight by consuming their liver reserves. This weight loss is not necessarily an indicaton that the sharks are in a poor nutritional state, as has been previously thought.