
Diving Through the Decades

Diving Through The Decades by Eric Hanauer, a highly regarded diving historian, takes readers on an up-close and personal, decade-by-decade journey through the evolution of diving while highlighting inventions, events, and noted diving pioneers.

Book cover
Eric Hanauer
Publishing Info

ISBN 978-1-7923-8349-6
eBook $14.99
paperback $24.99

  • A history of scuba diving, highlighting inventions, events, and pioneers.
  • A decade-by-decade account of the evolution of scuba diving beginning in the 1930s.
  • Interviews with pioneers of diving’s early days read their stories in their own words.
  • Introduction by Leslie Leaney, Executive Director of The International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame Founder of The Journal of Diving History

The comprehensive text includes personal stories, historical photographs, and insightful interviews Hanauer conducted with numerous diving pioneers who laid the foundation of diving as we know it today.

The interviews (conducted over 40 years) transform the book from gathering historical facts into an intimate experience for diving enthusiasts.

From the Introduction by Leslie Leaney, Executive Director of The International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame: "Through his penetrating interviews, Eric takes you face to face with Austrian Professor Hans Hass, "the Pioneer of the Pioneers," wetsuit creator Professor Hugh Bradner, Sea Hunt star Lloyd Bridges, and others, as he gradually brings our history up to date with modern pioneer Dr. Jose Jones."

