Explore the Underwater Jungle! LIDA Film Festival

There’s a jungle off the California coast. It is lush, and green, and filled with a marvelous diversity of life. It is every bit a wilderness, with a complex eco-system that is both resilient and fragile. And if you were to look at the islands poking their heads above the water about an hour outside of Ventura, you’d be surprised to be using those words. The islands look barren and dry. Hardly the place for thick jungles of plants and trees.

Long Island Divers Association Film Festival Presentation Lineup

This year’s unique LIDA Film Festival will be a great way to relax and enjoy some of the best underwater images while dreaming of your next underwater adventure. Here is a sneak peek at the lineup of world-class underwater photographers and videographers we will feature this year:

Michel Labrecque & Julie Ouimet
"Freaks...of nature"

Rick Morris
"Heroes to Heroes Restoring the Reefs"

Nancy McGee