Ocean Arts

Curtis Atwater Portfolio

Close Call, 12 x 16in, acrylic on canvas board, by Curtis Atwater
Close Call, 12 x 16in, acrylic on canvas board, by Curtis Atwater

Canadian artist Curtis Atwater creates beautiful paintings of marine life and underwater scenes that capture the light and dynamic motion of species under the waves. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist to learn more about his creative process and perspectives.

Nansi & David Gallup Portfolio

Life Opalescent, 22 x 28in, oil on linen, by Nansi and David C. Gallup
Life Opalescent, 22 x 28in, oil on linen, by Nansi and David C. Gallup

American collaborative artists David Gallup and Nansi Bielanski Gallup create dynamic, compelling and atmospheric paintings of marine life and underwater scenes, rich with color, texture and light, inspired by their adventures under the waves. Well-traveled divers, the husband-and-wife team have dedicated their artistic endeavors to raising awareness and understanding of coral reef and ocean ecosystems.

Dave Clarke Portfolio

Octopus, electroformed copper sculpture, by Dave Clarke
Octopus, by Dave Clarke. Electroformed copper sculpture, 40 x 30 x 30cm

British artist and avid diver Dave Clarke, currently based in South Australia, creates beautiful, detailed and dynamic patinated copper, bronze and recycled steel sculptures of marine life, which seem to flow in the liquid medium of the sea. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist to find out more about his creative process and perspectives.

Olga Nikitina Portfolio

Red Fish in the Red Sea, by Olga Nikitina. Oil on canvas, 25 x 20cm
Red Fish in the Red Sea, by Olga Nikitina. Oil on canvas, 25 x 20cm

Russian artist Olga Nikitina is an underwater painter with a degree in interior design and a dive instructor at the Egyptian Red Sea who creates brilliant and beautiful impressionistic paintings capturing the sublime light and textures of coral reefs and the dynamic energy of marine life. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist to learn more about her creative process and perspectives on art and life underwater.

Kristin Moger Portfolio

Octopus, by Kristin Moger. Micron ink on paper, 8 x 10 inches
Octopus, by Kristin Moger. Micron ink on paper, 8 x 10 inches

American artist Kristin Moger, who is based in Pennsylvania, creates beautiful, precise and intricately patterned black-and-white drawings of marine life, bringing to life the animals’ dynamic and sublime personalities on paper. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist to learn more about her creative process and perspectives on art, nature and conservation.

Sea Glass — Recycling Ocean Gems

Sea glass has become very popular as a component in jewelry, chimes, sun catchers and ornaments. Tumbled by the ocean waves, sea glass comes from tossed bottles and jars that have found their way to the sea. The sand and surf softens the edges of the broken glass as it tumbles in the waves creating smooth, frosty pieces of sea glass, or beach glass.


This summer, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, is mounting an exhibit of glass models of marine invertebrates made by the 17th century German master glassblowers, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka of Dresden. Professor James Hanken is an evolutionary biologist and the director of the museum. He talked to X-RAY MAG about the exhibit and the Blaschka glass works.