Soon you may use your phone on planes

According to the New York Times the committee’s recommended policies “allow reading e-books or other publications, listening to podcasts, and watching videos” during takeoff and landing. The ban on emails, text messages, or using WiFi during takeoff and landing will remain in place.

The primary concern has been the potential interference from Portable Electronic Devices with the aircraft’s communications, navigation, flight control, and electronic equipment.

Hong Kong bans shark fin at official functions

In a move hailed by conservation groups, Hong Kong's government announced it would cease serving shark fin and bluefin tuna at official functions. In a press release, the government announced it was taking steps because the items "have aroused international and local concern because they are either captured or harvested in ecologically unfriendly or unsustainable ways, or cause other conservation concerns". It has also encouraged government-funded bodies to follow suit.

Goliath grouper spawning divers’ delight

For best viewing of the massive numbers, head to Jupiter on the eastern coast of Florida. Groupers travel from as far away as Fort Myers and northeast Florida for the spawning events on wrecks and reefs. The window of opportunity to dive with these large fish in these high numbers is quite small. Most of the fish are gone by mid-October, but some remain year round. Goliath groupers can reach up to 800 pounds and were nearly fished out in the 1970s and 80’s, but have made a strong comeback under a protection ban that was established in 1990.