Adrenaline keep tuna hearts pumping during extreme temperature drops

Pacific bluefin tuna are unique amongst bony fish as they are endothermic (warm bodied) and can raise their core body temperature to 20°C above that of the surrounding water.

These animals are also capable of diving to depths of more than 1000 meter where the water is frigid. This chills the heart because it receives blood directly from the gills which mirrors water temperature. During deep dives their body temperature stays warm but their heart temperature can fall by 15°C within minutes. In other animals, humans included, this would stop the heart.

Acropora millepora red and green color morphs

How corals control their colour

Using the staghorn coral Acropora millepora as a model, scientists from the University of Southampton have found that the fluorescent pigments that are mostly responsible for coral colours act as sunscreens for the symbiotic algae that live in the coral tissue. These alga require light to produce sugars, which they can contribute to the nutrition of the corals in return for the shelter and the supply of nutrients that are provided by the coral host.