The bow of a vessel believed to be from a 13th century Mongolian invasion attempt

Shipwreck from 13th century Mongolian invasion found off Japan

On 2 July archaeologists surveying the waters off the island of Takashima confirmed a shipwreck found here is a vessel from a 13th-century Mongolian fleet that foundered in a typhoon in a failed attempt to invade Japan.

The recently discovered ship is estimated to have been 65 feet long and around 20 feet wide and was carrying 13th-century Chinese ceramics, as well as ironware that positively identified it as a ship belonging to one of the two doomed Mongol fleets. The two invasion attempts in 1274 and 1281 ended in vain as both fleets were destroyed in typhoons.

Changes in fluorescence of colour morphs of Euphyllia paradivisa from mesophotic depths in response to altered light environments. Colour morphs are imaged after one year of culture under low intensity daylight (upper row) and in complete darkness (lower row).

Glowing corals found in the Red Sea

Researchers have discovered scleractinian corals that are brightly fluorescent at depths of 50–60 m. Many of them glow brightly with fluorescent colours, ranging from green over yellow to red. The encounter of such a rainbow of coral colours in deep waters was unexpected since their shallow-water counterparts in the same reef contain only green fluorescent pigments.

Wreck of a WWII German troop transport located off Norway

At the time of its sinking, Rio de Janeiro was carrying a contingent of German soldiers meant for the invasion of Norway, which occurred on the following day, 9 April 1940. Of the 380 onboard, 50 were crew, the rest were soldiers. Of these numbers, almost 200 lost their lives, but 183 survived and were helped by the locals. Survivors told officials they were heading to Bergen, and even though they were wearing military uniforms, the Norwegian government failed to realize that a German invasion was imminent.

Staying symmetrical, staying on even keel

Oceanic shapeshifters

Animals are endowed with the capacity to repair injuries. Some animals simply heal the wound, whereas others are able to regenerate lost parts.

A new study now documents yet another and previously unidentified strategy of self-repair, where moon jellyfish respond to injuries by reorganizing existing parts, and rebuilding essential body symmetry, important for them to stay balanced as they travel around the ocean, without regenerating what is lost.