Carcinus maenas is a common littoral crab, and an important invasive species, listed among the 100 "world's worst alien invasive species".

Ocean acidification may well be helping invasive species

Ocean acidification affects biological processes in a wide range of marine taxa.

A new study, published in Research and Reports in Biodiversity Studies, notes that in the tropics, coral reefs face a host of interconnected problems (bleaching, corrosion, disease, spreading seaweed, invasive species) that are all caused by rising CO2 levels.

Egypt's vital tourism industry is already feeling the pressure of a dramatic fall in holidaymakers. (Filephoto)

Shoddy security in Sharm costing Red Sea operators dearly

incompetent or complicit Egyptian security was probably involved in the Oct. 31 crash of a Russian passenger jet in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said on Tuesday.

As authorities investigate whether a bomb could have been smuggled aboard Metrojet Flight 9268, CNN has seen private security personnel in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, using handheld bomb detectors that British officials and security experts say just don't work.

A sixgill shark equipped with an instrument package returns to deep water.
A sixgill shark equipped with an instrument package returns to deep water.

Researchers Find that Deep Sea Sharks are Bouyant

In a study published recently, scientists from UH Mānoa and the University of Tokyo revealed that two species of deep-sea sharks, sixgill and prickly sharks, are positively buoyant – they have to work harder to swim downward than up, and they can glide uphill for minutes at a time without using their tails.

Canadian eel tracked to Sargasso Sea

For the first time, Canadian researchers have tracked an adult female eel from Nova Scotia to the northern edge of the Sargasso Sea with a satellite tracker, a 45-day journey of 2,400 kilometres. For a century, scientists have been baffled as to how baby eels appear in the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda when adults have only been found in faraway places like Canada's St. Lawrence River.