Northeast Wrecks – Part 3: Artificial Reef Wrecks

Venturo Tug, New Jersey, USA
Diver at propeller of Venturo Tug, Point Pleasant, New Jersey, USA

In Part One and Part Two of this series, we discussed US Northeast wrecks that sank because of collisions and war. There are also many structures that have purposely been sunk as artificial reefs off the New York and New Jersey coasts. Larry Cohen and Olga Torrey have the story.


Diver in Constantis wreck, Cyprus
Lelle Malmström in Constantis wreck, Cyprus

In the far corner of Europe, in the Levant and almost wedged in-between Asia Minor, the Middle East and Northern Africa and at the crossroads of the same, Cyprus offers a nourishing mix of varied diving, culture and cuisine. Lelle Malmström and Peter Symes went to check it out.