X-Ray Mag #83

Cover image issue 83
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Feature articles in this issue with stand-alone pdfs

Don Silcock   Don Silcock

Like a fashion model up on the catwalk, great hammerhead sharks sashay into one’s field of vision, and, if they were human, you would probably say they have just “made an entrance”. Their strange mallet-like head, robust body girth and tall sickle-shaped dorsal fin make them well-nigh instantly recognisable, and most other sharks in the immediate area spot that too and give them a wide berth.

Brent Durand   Brent Durand

Most years, Southern California on the US west coast is the site of a special marine life aggregation, treating locals to one of the most unique dives in the world. Hundreds of thousands of market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens) swim into recreational dive depths to mate and lay an expansive canvas of egg baskets (collections of eggs) across the sandy substrate. Because so many squid can be present, and because they are attracted to divers’ torches, the dive is spent immersed in a cloud of these small, excited squid.

Matt Jevon   Andrey Bizyukin

“Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.” It is an old and well-worn phrase, but is it true?


Other articles and news in this edition
