
Male cichlid fish, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, prefer females with a larger pelvic fin, which indicates good body condition, proving that male mate choice may lead to changes in the scale of a female sexual trait.
Male cichlid fish, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, prefer females with a larger pelvic fin, which indicates good body condition, proving that male mate choice may lead to changes in the scale of a female sexual trait.

Female fish tango too

Pelvicachromis taeniatus is a dwarf cichlid from West Africa that is occasionally kept as an aquarium fish In this species, females seek to impress potential mates as well by fanning out their large, violet pelvic fin.

The results, published this month in BMC Evolutionary Biology, also suggest male choice can drive females to evolve exaggerated traits, a finding that disputes the traditional belief that sexual selection is a one-way road, allowing only females to affect male appearance.

Decisions reached through consensus are often more accurate, because they efficiently utilize the diverse information possessed by group members
Decisions reached through consensus are often more accurate, because they efficiently utilize the diverse information possessed by group members

Fish Choose Their Leaders By Consensus

Small groups of sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) reach consensus when choosing which of two replica fish to follow. As group size increases, the fish make more accurate decisions.

"It turned out that stickleback fish preferred to follow larger over smaller leaders," said Ashley Ward of Sydney University

"Not only that, but they also preferred fat over thin, healthy over ill, and so on. The part that really caught our eye was that these preferences grew as the group size increased, through some kind of positive social feedback mechanism."

Adult female Bottlenose Dolphin with two young at side

Dolphins form open social networks

Richard Connor of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth tracked 120 males in the Shark Bay, Western Australia and found no evidence that dolphins form the groups to control either territory or sexual partners, suggesting their society is unusually open.

The researchers found no evidence that the large and complex social network in Shark Bay, comprising hundreds of bottlenose dolphins, is a closed group defended by males.

They also found no evidence that males defend smaller ranges or groups of females within this network.

Think fast as a Squid

Squids, octopus and cuttlefish (who all belong to the phylum of molluscs) are among the most intelligent animals in the sea, and definitely the most intelligent marine invertebrates. We should in fact ask ourselves if the human mind is capable of thinking as fast as these creatures do.

Do's and Don't's of Responsible Shark Diving

Divers with lemon sharks. Photo by Andy Murch
Divers with lemon sharks. Photo by Andy Murch

Maybe the concept of ‘responsible shark diving’ sounds a little oxymoronic, but there are many things that you can do to protect yourself and the sharks during your interaction. First and foremost, I can’t stress enough the need to gain as much knowledge as possible about the animals and their environment. To go into the water without at least a basic idea of how the sharks are likely to react is foolhardy to say the least.

Cuttlefish (Filephoto)

Cephalopods traumatized by ocean noise

Noise pollution in the oceans has been shown to cause physical and behavioral changes in marine life, especially in dolphins and whales, which rely on sound for daily activities. However, low frequency sound produced by large scale, offshore activities is also suspected to have the capacity to cause harm to other marine life as well.

Spanish researchers examining the effects of ocean noise pollution on different species of cephalopods have shown that exposure to low frequency sound can cause lesion that has been linked to squid deaths in the wild.

Do whales like jazz?

Interspecies was started in 1978, to grant artists the same access to wilderness and wild animals that is usually reserved for field biologists. Their goal and belief is that science is not the only approach to understanding nature. During the 1980s, Interspecies sponsored over 100 musicians to attempt communication with orcas off western Canada.