Taking the SE7EN for a spin

The nascence of recreational rebreathers was just waiting to happen. Spurred on by rapid advances in technical diving, new materials and technology, coupled with cost reductions, the allure of long and quiet dives, with vastly improved non-deco times, had to seep from the technical communities to recreational diving, leading to the design of a new generation of closed circuit rebreathers aimed primarily at recreational divers.

Track Your Stuff

We’ve all been there at one time or another: Arriving at your holiday destination, euphoria turns to aggravation upon the discovery your bags are missing in action. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), about 1 percent of luggage worldwide was mishandled last year, costing an estimated $2.6 billion. Fortunately, a number of apps have arrived on the scene to help alleviate the situation. The question is; just how useful are they?