Dive into Taiwan: Northeast Coast Treasures

Reef scene at Secret Garden, found along Taiwan's northeastern coast. Photo by Kyo Liu
Reef scene at Secret Garden, found along Taiwan's northeastern coast

Taiwan is a group of Pacific islands surrounded by warm tropical seas. It is easy to get to and get around, and it is also a first-world society with outgoing, friendly, laid-back people. Simon Pridmore gives us a glimpse into the beautiful dive sites and unique marine life that can be found here.

UW Photo: Compositing

Diver Space­scape, composite by John A. Ares
Diver Space­scape, composite by John A. Ares

We take photographs for different reasons: to identify the sea life we find, for the sheer pleasure of making images, or perhaps as a method of personal expression. It is the latter, personal expression, that leads us to the creation of art. John A. Ares discusses the creative use of compositing in postproduction.

Dolphin BFFs?
Dolphin BFFs?

Male dolphins form lifelong bonds

Researchers have discovered that male bottleneck dolphins form long-term social groups to help one another find mates and fight off competitors.

It was the first time such behaviour was observed in the animal world.

Their conclusions were based on data collected of 202 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins between 2001 and 2006 in Shark Bay, Australia, using visual and auditory data. In the lab, the researchers then focused on studying the interactions of 121 of individuals for the next decade.