British Columbia

A pod of resident orcas travels at the surface, with Seatle waterfront in background.
A pod of resident orcas travels at the surface, with Seatle waterfront in background.

Salish Sea Too Noisy for Resident Orcas

The Salish Sea is home to two unique populations of orcas: the northern and southern residents. While the northern population has slowly rebounded to over 300 individuals, the southern residents remain critically endangered, with their numbers stuck at around seventy-five.

The reasons behind the southern orcas' struggle to recover have been well-documented—reduced salmon runs, pollution, and past capture for entertainment purposes. Now, new research suggests another key culprit: human-made underwater noise.

Broadnose sevengill sharks can be found in temperate kelp forests around the world, except in the North Atlantic.

New Shark Species Showing up in Puget Sound

During ten days of fieldwork in 2022 and 2023, the researchers caught ten sharks from the broadnose sevengill and the endangered soupfin species.

The Salish Sea separates northwest Washington from British Columbia's Vancouver Island. The 6,500-square-mile body of water stretches into Washington as Puget Sound, and the sharks were caught close to Olympia near the sound's southernmost point.

Orcas photographed off the southern side of Unimak Island, eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Orcas photographed off the southern side of Unimak Island, eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska

Orcas battling strange skin disease

Scientists studying endangered southern resident orcas have noticed a steady increase of mysterious gray patches and gray targets (circular lesions which may appear on concentric rings – ed.) on the whales’ skin from 2004 to 2016. 

To date, researchers managed to identify six distinct types of lesions, with the two most common types being gray patches or targets. Some resemble tattooed skin.

They do not know the cause of the lesions and are worried that they could be due to underlying health problems in the struggling population.

The largest sea star in the world, the sunflower sea star is a predatory sea star usually with 16 to 24 limbs called rays.
The largest sea star in the world, the sunflower sea star is a predatory sea star usually with 16 to 24 limbs called rays.

Sea stars can help to restore kelp forests

The sunflower sea star was once a common sight along North America's Pacific coast. Although it is now an endangered species, scientists are hailing it as a potential saviour of the region's threatened kelp forests.

Recent research reveals its crucial role in controlling the population of kelp-eating urchins, thus offering a glimmer of hope for these vital marine ecosystems.

Phil Nyutten has died

Dr Nuytten is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of the modern commercial diving industry and a significant force in the creation of new technology.

He has created equipment and diving techniques for deep-water diving and technical diving for both the commercial, scientific, and military industries.

A diver in British Columbia has been handed down the largest ever fine for getting too close to orcas.
A diver in British Columbia has been handed down the largest ever fine for getting too close to orcas.

Diver Fined CAD 9,000 For Swimming Too Close to Orcas

A scuba diver in British Columbia, Canada, has been fined a record 12,000 Canadian dollars ($9,250) for approaching a pod of orcas too closely.

In British Columbia, vessels must keep at least 200 meters away from orcas and in southern B.C. coastal waters between Campbell River and just north of Ucluelet, vessels must keep 400 meters away. Vessels must be at least 100 meters away from all other cetaceans.

Shearwater Research Inc.

Founded in 2004, Shearwater Research designs and manufactures computers for all types of divers demanding more from themselves and their diving experience. Whether you're an air, nitrox, multi gas trimix or closed circuit rebreather diver, Shearwater offers products which are powerful, simple, and reliable. 

We are a company of passionate divers driven to design and build our dive computers in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. Our computers are used by sport & technical divers, explorers, rescuers, and the military all over the world. 

Interview with Bruce Partridge: Founder of Shearwater Research

Bruce Partridge, founder of Shearwater Research. Photo courtesy of Bruce Partridge.
Bruce Partridge, founder of Shearwater Research. Photo courtesy of Bruce Partridge.

Bruce Partridge is the founder of Shearwater Research, which makes high-quality dive computers, trimix computers and electronic control systems for rebreathers, with simple and intuitive user interfaces and a reputation for being reliable, user-friendly and easy to read underwater.

A pod of about 5 came very close inshore off the east coast of Unst, Shetland Islands, probably scratching themselves on the rocks.

Orcas massage themselves in shallow waters

They exhibited no signs of having been beached. Instead, they swam around and frolicked amongst themselves. "You can even see some of he bigger orcas swimming alongside the calves as if they're showing them what to do," said an employee of a nearby business.

Although unusual, this behaviour was normal.

13,800-year-old Haida site found underwater off British Columbia

A new archaeological study has discovered a Haida site dating back 13,800 years off British Columbia’s Juan Perez Sound. Led by archaeologist Quentin Mackie of the University of Victoria, the team discovered the site near the Haida Gwaii Archipelago and is believed to feature a fishing weir, a man-made channel used to corral fish.