Revealing the Urgent Fight to Save Tasmania's Giant Kelp Forests: New Documentary "Reviving Giants" Premieres

This compelling ten-minute film dives deep into the urgent mission to restore Tasmania's rapidly declining kelp forests, a direct casualty of climate change. The documentary follows the life and work of Mick Baron and Karen Gowlett-Holmes, owners of the Eaglehawk Dive Centre, who have been front-line witnesses and activists to the massive destruction of the giant kelp forests.

Fathoms Free, Ghost Diving UK, Ghost Fishing, NARC, Sea Shepherd, Ghostnet campaign, discarded fishing gear, crab pots
Members of Sea Shepherd's 'Ghostnet campaign' recovering lost crab pots off the Yorkshire coast in 2021

UK 'Ghost Gear Coalition' formed to reduce diving team response time

The solution is straightforward, if you have the relevant knowledge at your fingertips. Just contact one of the many NGOs around the world, such as 'Ghost Diving', who work to combat this problem internationally, and let them know the details of the ghost gear that needs to be recovered. 

Ghost fishing gear is everywhere, but so are we! Pascal van Erp, founder Ghost Diving

Coral Guardian's team member, Sahril, ensures the maintenance of a restored coral reef.

Adopt a coral during lockdown

Corals are essential to the balance of the planet, but today they are threatened with extinction.  Thanks to restoration efforts as well as the construction of unique artificial reefs, dedicated to the rehabilitation of coral reefs in damaged areas, we make possible the return of lost biodiversity in this environment.

Japan/China/Taiwan : Stop killing our sharks!
A protest on the beach at Copacabana using 1000 cardboard fins : five minutes of shark finning.

Divers for Sharks : We Want Our Sharks Alive!

The global trade in shark fins has decimated sharks everywhere, but some countries moved quickly to protect their animals. In Brazil, however, not only have sharks and rays received no protection, but fishing industry tycoons have been given free rein to slaughter them. The shark fin exports to Asia continue to be legal, as the trade in shark fins serves as cover-up for shipments of other types of illicit contraband. 

Marine-mammal rescue facility in Florida heading for foreclosure

The all-volunteer MMC spearheaded several rescue efforts of dolphins and small whales that drew international news coverage over the past 20 years, most recently after a 2011 mass stranding of pilot whales in the Lower Keys.

Legal advertisements published in The Reporter this month say the former MMC property will be sold at public auction at 11 a.m. Jan. 8 on the front steps of the Monroe County courthouse on Key West's Whitehead Street.

Giant Mantas of Equador

There is a recently developed term making its way into common use amongst the wider dive community, and that term is, citizen scientist. The science community is waking up to the fact that the common man and woman are valuable resources for acquiring many missing pieces in the jigsaw puzzle that is marine research, particularly for migratory species

WWF: Marine reserves could offset climate change costs

Future Seas is based on two scenarios developed by a representative group of fishers, scientists, energy experts, community leaders, eco-tour operators, environmentalists, and Mäori and government representatives

The report examines the long-term future of New Zealand’s marine environment, which faces tremendous outside pressure on its resources, including from fishing and mineral extraction, competing interests within the marine environment, and pollution of marine habitats