United Kingdom

Pressure play, David Haigh, James Stagg, D-Day, Normandy Landings, weather forecast, General Eisenhower, Malcolm Sinclair, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, XRay Magazine, X-Ray Mag, scuba diving news
Dr James Stagg briefs the Allied commanders (Image: Cambridge Arts Theatre)

'Pressure' - A different view of the D-Day Landings

The way our weather twists and turns can catch out even the most experienced meteorologist, as Michael Fish found out to his cost, following his infamous broadcast on Thursday 15 October 1987.

He stated "Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way... well, if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't!"

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The Play

Operation Overlord, June 5th 1944. All the factors have been accounted for, apart from the weather. 350,000 lives depend on the most important forecast of the 20th century. 

Thursday 1 - Saturday 10 February 2018: Arts Theatre, Cambridge

Tuesday 13 - Saturday 17 February 2018: King's Theatre, Edinburgh

Tuesday 20 - Saturday 24 February 2018: Theatre Royal, Newcastle upon Tyne

DDRC launches diving ear survey

Ear health problems are one of the most commonly reported issues by divers. Problems can range from a relatively simple condition, for example, “swimmers ear,” to a more serious condition such as barotrauma, which can result in lasting damage to the ear.

Currently, anonymous field data is sparse, therefore Devon-based DDRC is hoping to find out what type of ear problems are most frequently encountered whilst diving if any medical advice was obtained; and if not, what was the outcome.

The 1997 Doux de Coly expedition members won the Jubilee Trust Duke of Edinburgh Prize (L to R) Jez Nasse, Russell Carter, Bryan Schofield, Duke of Edinburgh, Robin Brown, Malcolm Foyle, Michael Thomas. (Team member John Cordingley is not in this photo)

Prince Philip, Champion of British Scuba Diving, To Retire From Public Life

As a younger man Prince Philip was a keen sports enthusiast and an accomplished sailor.

In 1939, Philip Mountbatten joined the Royal Navy, graduating from the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, in 1940 as "the best cadet in his course". His prize? A £20 book token. He subsequently saw active service in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean during WWII. In 1941 Philip Mountbatten was mentioned in despatches for his service on the battleship HMS Valiant. And he was in Tokyo Bay in 1945 when the Japanese surrendered.

TDI, SDI,  Jordan Greene, Sean Harrison, Paul Montgomery, Mark Powell, Brian Carney, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, XRay Mag, X-Ray Magazine, scuba diving news
TDI / SDI HQ Staff | Jordan Greene, Sean Harrison, Paul Montgomery, Mark Powell, Brian Carney (l to r)

Mark Powell Becomes TDI / SDI ‘International Business’ Manager

Mark Powell qualified as a TDI / SDI Instructor in October 2000, and has been an ardent advocate of this training agency for almost two decades. In 2002 Mark Powell set up Dive-Tech (a dedicated technical diving training facility) and began working as a full time professional. A role that he has continued to this day.

“I am very excited to join the HQ team. The opportunity to help grow this agency is very exciting”, stated Powell.

Enter NUPG's 'Splash-In Underwater Photography Competition'

The competition will commence at 07:00 and close at 22:00. All images must be taken on the day.

All underwater photographers are welcome to join in the fun whilst diving the Anglesey or North Wales coastline. You can shore dive or boat dive. The choice is yours. It doesn't matter if you have just got your first compact camera and are starting to take photos, or you are a seasoned diver with a beautiful SLR, the NUPG would love to see your photos.

SAA, BOA, BUSA, CMAS, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, The Underwater Marketing Company, X-Ray Mag
BOA Chairman Ken Kirby SAA signs the new agreement with SAA Chairman Colin Bryan

SAA And BOA Join Forces

In the last 18 years, the SAA and the British Underwater Sports Association (BUSA) have been working together in partnership for the benefit of the sport. Recently changes in rules and expectations in CMAS have required a more formal recognition of this partnership.

In the UK the SAA represents CMAS - the Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques.

Therefore, BUSA will through mutual agreement conclude their role to represent Underwater Sport in the UK and this will be continued by the SAA with formal affiliation agreements to each of the underwater sports.

Sea & Sea is a leading diving equipment distributor and has been in the dive industry some 35 years.

TDI SDI Announces New UK and Ireland Regional Office

David Millin, Managing Director of Sea & Sea stated, “TDI is a legendary agency that UK divers and instructors have trusted for years to provide top notch training and quality materials. Sea & Sea is excited to be part of the continuing history”.

Brian Carney, President of International Training, acknowledged that the UK diving scene has an interesting history when it comes to TDI. The late Rob Palmer, a much respected cave explorer and a leading light in the fledgling technical diving community, helped set up TDI twenty years ago.

Diving with Seals of the Farne Islands

Aerial view (right) of the Farne islands

The Farne Islands are a small group of some 33 rocks and islets (depending on the state of the tide which has a rise and fall of over 6m or 20ft) located off the north Northumberland coast of England. At full tide, only 23 larger rocks and islands are visible, but all of those are eye catching. The entire group are a National Trust protected area and have numerous wildlife preserves, notably for their seabirds and seals.