
A painted comber hides in the seagrass

Fish get emotional too

Now, additional findings lends further credence to the notion that fish do indeed possess emotions and harbour thought processes. It turns out that fish growing up in the wild among predators use their left eye to look at novel objects, while their offspring raised in captivity use the right eye.

Male cichlid fish, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, prefer females with a larger pelvic fin, which indicates good body condition, proving that male mate choice may lead to changes in the scale of a female sexual trait.
Male cichlid fish, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, prefer females with a larger pelvic fin, which indicates good body condition, proving that male mate choice may lead to changes in the scale of a female sexual trait.

Female fish tango too

Pelvicachromis taeniatus is a dwarf cichlid from West Africa that is occasionally kept as an aquarium fish In this species, females seek to impress potential mates as well by fanning out their large, violet pelvic fin.

The results, published this month in BMC Evolutionary Biology, also suggest male choice can drive females to evolve exaggerated traits, a finding that disputes the traditional belief that sexual selection is a one-way road, allowing only females to affect male appearance.

The Atlantic molly, a Mexican cavefish which developed resistance to a fish toxin
The Atlantic molly, a Mexican cavefish which developed resistance to a fish toxin

Fish evolution by religious selection

For centuries, the Zoque people of southern Mexico would venture each year during the Easter season deep into the sulfuric cave Cueva del Azufre to implore their deities for a bountiful rain season.

As part of the annual ritual, they release into the cave's waters a distinctive, leaf-bound paste made of lime and the ground-up root of the barbasco plant, a natural fish toxin. Believing the cave's fish to be gifts from their gods, they scoop up their poisoned prey to feed upon until their crops are ready to harvest.

Decisions reached through consensus are often more accurate, because they efficiently utilize the diverse information possessed by group members
Decisions reached through consensus are often more accurate, because they efficiently utilize the diverse information possessed by group members

Fish Choose Their Leaders By Consensus

Small groups of sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) reach consensus when choosing which of two replica fish to follow. As group size increases, the fish make more accurate decisions.

"It turned out that stickleback fish preferred to follow larger over smaller leaders," said Ashley Ward of Sydney University

"Not only that, but they also preferred fat over thin, healthy over ill, and so on. The part that really caught our eye was that these preferences grew as the group size increased, through some kind of positive social feedback mechanism."

Japanese Tuna Scandal Deepens

In what Australian officials called an outrageous fraud, Japanese fishers probably used a series of disguises for the overcatch and international investigations have found.

The fishers described southern bluefin tuna as a different species and evaded any inspection on shore, underreported the amount of the fish they caught, and imported it as different tuna either transhipped at sea from foreign vessels or in containers. In a review that the Japanese government has vetoed from public release, investigators found the fraud extended to consumer markets.

Fish have natural rhythm to avoid predators

A study published in Nature demonstrates that fish have a natural rhythm that could help them avoid being eaten by predators

A team from the University of California led by Dr Mu-Ming Poo made the discovery during experiments with zebrafish, a type of minnow. They discovered that the larvae of the fish, which were trained to flip their tails every time a light flashed at six-second intervals, "remembered" the rhythm even after the flash was turned off.

The reason why the fish kept time was a mystery but it could be to help it keep track of time and defend itself.

Mangrove Rivulus , Rivulus marmoratus. Scientists have now found that this fish, already famed for its bizarre sex habits and ability to survive extreme conditions, does something never seen before: hangs out inside deadwood for months at a time to survive dry spells.
Mangrove Rivulus , Rivulus marmoratus. Scientists have now found that this fish, already famed for its bizarre sex habits and ability to survive extreme conditions, does something never seen before: hangs out inside deadwood for months at a time to survive dry spells.

The fish that lives in trees and breeds without a mate

The mangrove rivulus, also known as the mangrove killifish, is native to the Americas and is about five centimetres (two inches) long.

The fish has long been studied for its many unique features. It's the only vertebrate known to naturally self-fertilize, for example. In some populations, it can become a hermaphrodite, developing both male and female parts simultaneously, to produce clones of itself.

Cortez Rainbow Wrasse (Thalassoma lucasanum) Isla Coiba, Panama
Cortez Rainbow Wrasse (Thalassoma lucasanum) Isla Coiba, Panama

Costa Rican aquarium fish industry has negative effect on fish population

Costa Rica hosts an active industry for collection activities on marine ornamental reef fish for the international aquarium fish trade. Little is known about the effects of collection activities on target species in Costa Rica. However, research elsewhere gives reason for concern about collecting activity rainbow wrasse (Thalassoma lucasanum) is an important species in this fishery.