
Why do fish rub themselves against a shark?

Fish rubbing themselves against a shark's body may sound as if they have a death wish, but this is precisely what some fish have been spotted doing. And it turns out that such behaviour is more widespread and frequent than one would think.

A study led by the University of Miami (UM) Shark Research and Conservation Program at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science uncovered over 40 instances of fish rubbing themselves against a shark’s skin in over ten locations around the globe.

While chafing has been well documented between fish and inanimate objects, such as sand or rocky substrate, this shark-chaffing phenomenon appears to be the only scenario in nature where prey actively seek out and rub up against a predator.

A short-snouted seahorse in the Red Sea.
A short-snouted seahorse in the Red Sea.

Seahorses—slow swimmers, swift hunters

Seahorses appear to be slow passive hunters as they use their tail to cling to coral or seaweed. However, this can be deceiving, as they are swift, efficient hunters. 

A recent study by Tel Aviv University, published in the Journal of Experimental Biology, documents the speed at they hunt. 

Three species of seahorses with varying snout lengths were chosen for the study: Jayakar's seahorses, sea ponies and short-snouted seahorses. 

Chromis viridis (green chromis) is a species of damselfish.

Fish trust friends in a crisis

In social animals living in the wild, individuals rely on their buddies to alert them if a predator is lurking.

All animals aim to balance the risk of predation against the energy investment necessary to execute an escape, to maximise the number of correct reactions (e.g. reacting to the presence of a predator) and minimise reactions to inaccurate information (e.g. reacting to harmless stimuli).

Trust among individuals is critical. This is true for humans as well as many other species, including fishes.

Study co-author Jacob Johansen, Ph.D.

Researchers studied more than 200 marine fish species before coming up with their findings.
Researchers studied more than 200 marine fish species before coming up with their findings.

Baby reef fishes take the gold

A study has shown that baby reef fishes clock in at 15 to 40 body lengths per second, making them one of the fastest youngsters around.

In contrast, baby herring swim up to two body lengths per second, while the fastest human (Olympic gold medallist Michael Phelps) manages just 1.4 body lengths per second.

So how did those tiny baby reef fishes get to be so fast so early in their lives?

Juvenile clownfish exposed to artificial light at night die sooner than those exposed to natural light at night.
Juvenile clownfish exposed to artificial light at night die sooner than those exposed to natural light at night.

No artificial lights for Nemo, please!

Scientists have discovered that clownfish living closer to shore die sooner than their counterparts found farther offshore due to the difference in the amount of artificial-light exposure.

The more artificial light they were exposed to, the higher the mortality rate.

The study focused on the reefs around Moorea in French Polynesia. It involved exposing 42 juvenile clownfish to either artificial light at night (ALAN) or natural light (meaning, moonlight!) in the lagoon. Each of the 42 territories had a magnificent sea anemone.

Clownfish at different anemones get stripes at different rates

Scientists have discovered that how fast the white stripes that run down the clownfish’s body develop depends on the sea anemone it lives in.

Specifically, they found out that the clownfish living in the giant carpet anemone and those living in the magnificent sea anemone develop stripe patterns (called “bars”) at different speeds as they matured from the larval to the adult stage.

Lionfish, native to the Indo-Pacific, is characterized by conspicuous warning coloration and venomous spiky fin rays.

Stung divers needed for Lionfish Pain Survey

The two Canadian universities are currently collaborating on the world's first large-scale study of lionfish stings. At present, there is no scientific data that has been collected on a broad scale, as to what happens to a human after they have been stung by a lionfish. 

Subject Criteria

Been stung? The scientists would like to collect the pain and symptoms you experienced after you were stung.  

Individual fish can be identified based on their behaviour and movements
Individual fish can be identified based on their behaviour and movements

Fish in study can be identified based on their movement and behaviour

This finding was based on research by a team of biologists and mathematicians from Swansea University and the University of Essex. It involved 15 three-spined stickleback fish observed individually in a fish tank containing two, three or five plants in fixed positions.

Using high-resolution tracking data from video recording, the scientists made their observations on the following parameters: movement (time stationary, step length, turning angle and burst frequency) and behaviorial (distance travelled, space use, time in free water and time near objects).

Electric eel in an aquarium in San Francisco

Video shows electric eels hunting in groups

Zoologist Douglas Bastos from the National Institute of Amazonian Research in Manaus, Brazil, and his team have captured video footage of Volta’s electric eels hunting in groups of more than 100.

In the footage, the eels encircled shoals of tetra fish to form a “prey ball”, which they herded toward shallower waters. Then, two to ten of the eels swam closer to the ball to deliver jolts of electricity. The synchronised charge is so powerful that some of the fish are blasted out of the water. Stunned, they fall back into the water, and are consumed by the eels.