
Why damselfish chasing away cleaner fish's customers is bad for reefs

Many of us are familiar with the scenes at cleaning stations, where cleaner fish and cleaner shrimp feed on the parasites and dead tissues of their “clients.”

Under normal circumstances, sharknose gobies (Elacatinus evelynae) would set up a cleaning station at a coral reef, and use it as a base to attend to their “clients”—usually the parrotfish, surgeonfish, butterflyfish, etc— by eating the parasites and dead body tissue off their client's skin, fins and mouth. 

However, at reefs with damselfish, things are not always so peaceful.

Masked spinefoots (S. puellus)
Masked spinefoots (S. puellus)

Fishes look out for their buddies

In pairs of coral reef rabbitfishes (f. Siganidae), one fish frequently assumes an upright vigilance position in the water column, while the partner forages in small crevices in the reef substratum. Both behaviours are strongly coordinated and partners regularly alternate their positions, resulting in a balanced distribution of foraging activity.

Claire Paris (second from left) and co-author Jean-Olivier Irisson (third from left), deploying the Drifting In Situ Chamber (DISC), equipped with an imaging system, during an expedition at the Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station
Claire Paris (second from left) and co-author Jean-Olivier Irisson (third from left), deploying the Drifting In Situ Chamber (DISC), equipped with an imaging system, during an expedition at the Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station

Fish larvae use external clues to find their way

In this study, researchers discovered that fish larvae around the world used external cues like the sun, Earth’s magnetic field and sounds to find their way around in the open ocean. 

The fish larvae were able to control their destination and migrate by keeping a bearing. 

Why puffer fish spawn on beaches under moonlight 

At the time of the spring tide (new moon and full moon), thousands of puffer fish around the world head for the coastlines to spawn. There, they gather at the water’s edge and vigorously tremble their bodies to spawn.

Scientists have long wondered how the puffer fish were able to synchronise their spawning with the lunar cycle.

A paper published in a recent issue of the Current Biology journal has the answers. 

Moray Eels

Green moray. Photo by Nigel Marsh
Most morays reside in tropical or subtropical waters, but the green or yellow moray lives in the temperate waters of Australia and New Zealand.

Aside from sharks, moray eels are one of the most maligned and misunderstood of all marine animals. Thought by many to be highly dangerous because of their depiction in films and books, morays are not malicious monsters, but important predators of any healthy marine ecosystem. They are generally shy and docile if not harassed. Nigel Marsh shares insights about these animals.

Got an itch that needs scratching?

Scientists have observed instances in which tuna rub themselves against the side of sharks. Apparently, they do this to dislodge painful parasites that cling to their head, eyes and gills.

“Shark skin is really smooth in one direction and it’s like sandpaper in the other,” said Chris Thompson, a Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia.

Thompson and his colleagues observed this behaviour after studying the footage of floating, baited underwater cameras which they had deployed in 36 regions in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans in 2012 to 2019.

The mahi-mahi were tagged before being released back into the ocean.
The mahi-mahi were tagged before being released back into the ocean.

Fish behaviour affected by exposure to crude oil

The 3.19 million barrels of crude oil that spilled into the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon in 2010 had a devastating impact to the natural environment, as well as the people and animals in the vicinity.

A study on the mahi-mahi in the nearby waters revisits the incident by studying how fish in the wild are being affected from the exposure to crude oil.

Corals on Flynn Reef, part of Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Corals on Flynn Reef, part of Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Temperature and habitat changes have impacted Australia's reef fishes

For more than a decade, some researchers in Australia have been monitoring coral reefs in the vicinity to see how rising ocean temperatures affect both the tropical and temperate reef fish communities.

The findings of their study was published in the Current Biology journal.

According to lead author Rick Stuart-Smith, a marine ecologist at the University of Tasmania, the team had focused on reef fishes as reefs provided many benefits to people and the fishes there helped maintain the natural ecological function of the reefs.