
Immi Wallin, Jeff Lindsay and Paolo Costa each talked about wrecks and are nowtaking questions from the audience.

Back in business

It felt a bit surreal heading to the airport again for the first time in almost two years. I used to frequently attend various dive shows, events and conferences and go through the airport as a matter of routine. But that was before the pandemic shut everything down some 21 months ago.

Video file

Short video sample of a presentation; Immi Wallin talks about her ongoing

Presentations aside

What also made this event extra pleasant was the great food, and that the temperature outdoors was very comfortable and balmy. When compared to so many other conferences, which are often held during late fall or winter in colder and darker regions, being able to sit outside and dine in pleasant temperatures and still be able to walk around in shorts and short sleeves was a real bonus.


101 Tips for Recreational Scuba Divers now Available

Announcing a new eBook designed for recreational scuba divers of any experience level. The book was created to share lessons learned over many years and thousands of diving experiences from two renowned experts in the field of SCUBA, Dan Orr and Betty Orr.

The eBook is compilation of 101 stand-alone tips designed to guide readers toward their own safe and enjoyable diving practices and help them make informed decisions.

Plastics comprises 84 percent of Australia's beach debris

As much as 84 percent of the rubbish found on Australian beaches in the past ten years is plastic.

Almost half of all the debris originates from land-based sources (littering, dumping on land, etc), and seven percent from dumping activities at sea.

The remaining 42 percent could not be traced to a specific source as they had broken down into smaller fragments, which would eventually become microplastics.

This was the findings of a study led by University of New South Wales (UNSW) Science, and published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

Emperor Divers latest Covid Hero relishing a return to the Red Sea

Covid Heroes was an initiative put in place by Emperor Divers to recognize people who have stepped up during the pandemic by rewarding them with free liveaboard trips in the Maldives and the Red Sea.

Megumi â€“ the second of the eight chosen Heroes to take up her trip - is a music therapist from Berlin who volunteered to work in her hospital’s Covid department and used her skills to help ease the suffering of those afflicted by severe Coronavirus complications.

Diver documenting corals for the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation's Global Reef Expedition survey.
Diver documenting corals for the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation's Global Reef Expedition survey.

Global Reef Expedition Final Report released

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) has released a report of its findings from the Global Reef Expedition—the result of ten years of assessing the state of coral reefs worldwide.

Considered the largest coral reef survey and mapping research mission in history, the findings provides a baseline data on their status and offering key insights on how to save them in a rapidly changing world.

DEMA Offers Emergency Assistance to DEMA Show Exhibitors and Buyers

The DEMA Board of Directors has activated DEMA’s Disaster Assistance Program and Manufacturers’ Fund to help DEMA Member exhibitors and buyers struggling as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. “We understand that many companies are experiencing difficult times as a result of the pandemic,” indicated Tom Ingram, DEMA President and CEO. “The DEMA Board wants to help as much as possible so these professionals can gain education, learn about products and services and take advantage of Show-only specials that will help them make it through to better days ahead.”