News workflow

This graphic illustrates the waterfall whereby news gets processes in the editorial wringer.

It also outlines how the content fields or specialities are compartmentalised in sections in both the magazine and website - just as they would be on a major newspaper or tv-station, albeit replicated here in miniature.

From the top:

1. Level:

Anyone can collect news, not only from their own area of competence and responsibility but whatever they stumble across of probable interest. Ideas, proposals and reminders are then posted into their respective virtual mailboxes as explained in this post

2. Level:

News leads accumulate on this page.

3. Level:

Some of these leads are then deemed interesting and pertinent enough to be turned into a post on our website - or several leads may be grouped together to form the basis for an article that i.e. goes in the magazine.

4. Level:

Some stories are best fit for the website (in particular newsy bits which are perishable goods) and more substantial parts (in depth-going features and analysis) are best kept for the magazine.

But most goes on the web from where we later cherry-pick the best items and reprocess them for the magazine's sections.

It is also important to feed the web continuously as it is a mean of upkeeping and smooth workflow and flatten out the deadline humps:

Also see this post:

Short comments and references can be Tweeted via the personal accounts associated with certain fields.
