
Tom Ingram

Tom Ingram at his desk in DEMA's offices

The month of November sees the return of the international dive industry trade convention, the DEMA Show, to Orlando, Florida, USA. In a peek-behind-the-scenes conversation with Tom Ingram, Executive Director of DEMA (Diving Equipment and Marketing Association), Rosemary Lunn’s interview reveals an engaged, enthusiastic diver who is passionate about our industry and the business of diving.

Pushing the Ressel—A Cave Diving Expedition in Lot, France

Years of preparation finally paid off on 3 August 2013 when the first Belgian cave diving team reached deeper territory in Ressel Cave in Lot, France. This underwater cave—located in the heart of French cave diving paradise—is known to be one of the more engaging, difficult and technical cave dives. The expedition was an exploratory dive of several hours, with all its complications in logistics and difficulties.

San Juan Islands

very now and then I get an assignment close to home, which means my dive buddy and I can usually load up the car with dive and photography gear, and maybe a kayak or two, and head out for a full weekend of adventurous exploring. If the location is exceptional, like an assignment to dive in Washington State’s San Juan Islands, we often allocate several days to experience all that’s available.


Okinawa—simply saying the name has so many connotations. The island itself is huge, and yet it’s an oceanic island far from the Asian continent. It takes two and half hours to fly from Hong Kong, the closest point on mainland China, to get here.

New dates for EUROTEK.2014

"When we heard that the Birmingham Dive Show would be held on the same weekend, we were pleased because it would have meant that delegates had the opportunity of attending both shows.

"However we know that certain delegates want to devote themselves to a specific event and choosing can be tough. We felt the fairest option would be to change dates."

With EUROTEK.2014 now being held on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st September, divers are free to attend both shows.

Fresh shark fins drying on sidewalk
Fresh shark fins drying on sidewalk

Chinese demand for shark fins has plummeted

Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of shark fins while the remainder of the living shark is discarded in the ocean.

NBA All-Star Yao Ming pledged to stop eating shark fin soup at a news conference on August 2, 2006. However at that time Yao's comments were largely unreported in the Chinese media.

Last call for MyShot Underwater Photo Contest 2013

The contest features both macro and wide-angle categories for compact and SLR (interchangeable lens) users.

MyShot is an online underwater photo competition. Photographers can submit their images until the 31 October 2013 deadline and the registration is free. The jury will decide the winners of the categories and there’ll be a public vote as well for a selection of 100 pictures (25 each category). A final party will close the contest.

Soon you may use your phone on planes

According to the New York Times the committee’s recommended policies “allow reading e-books or other publications, listening to podcasts, and watching videos” during takeoff and landing. The ban on emails, text messages, or using WiFi during takeoff and landing will remain in place.

The primary concern has been the potential interference from Portable Electronic Devices with the aircraft’s communications, navigation, flight control, and electronic equipment.

DAN announces their 2013 DEMA Show Talk Schedule

Dr Neal W Pollock, DAN's Research Director stated, "Our lecture series is a wonderful way for us to reach out to divers from all over the globe. We have found that DEMA Show attendees appreciate hearing in-depth lectures that make you think, on the latest in physiology, diving medicine or safety research. Our audiences are very positive and we often get excellent questions that produce ideas for new presentations and initiatives.