
Recent studies have raised alarming concerns about the levels of toxic chemicals found in UK whales and dolphins.
Recent studies have raised alarming concerns about the levels of toxic chemicals found in UK whales and dolphins.

Toxic chemicals in UK whales and dolphins: A growing concern

Originally developed for use in pesticides, paints and fire-resistant materials, POPs are highly toxic and do not easily break down in nature. These chemicals have leached into the soil, air and waterways, eventually reaching the ocean. They are absorbed by plankton at the bottom of the food chain and increase in concentration through a process known as biomagnification. As a result, marine mammals, which are at the top of the food chain, accumulate high levels of these toxins.

On the brink

Diving is a recreational pastime, meant to offer pleasure and respite from our hectic work schedules and the relentless flood of troubling news that seems to worsen daily.

We have always strived to write about and focus on the wonderful adventures, the beauty of the underwater realm, and to provide educational infotainment that enhances our experiences and appreciation of what lies beneath the surface.

A new underwater photography community – Waterpixels!

Many Undercurrent readers will be familiar with the issues surrounding Wetpixel, its travel programme and its owner, Adam Hanlon. 

Concerns about the knock-on impact of its popular community forum were never addressed. New members were not being approved, guest access was closed off and its front page was not updated for some months.

As a result, a small group of long-term members have got together and developed a new underwater photography forum called Waterpixels

The legendary wreck was discovered off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia, on 27 November 2015, by a team of international scientists and engineers during an expedition aboard the Colombian Navy research ship ARC Malpelo.

Colombia looks to recover treasures from the San José shipwreck

(TOP BANNER IMAGE: Samuel Scott / Wikimedia / public domain)

The San José, a three-decked galleon approximately 150ft long and armed with 64 guns, sank during a battle with British ships in 1708. It is believed to contain 11 million gold and silver coins, emeralds and other precious cargo from Spanish colonies. Researchers have identified bronze cannons, ceramic and porcelain vases, and personal weapons among the artefacts, confirming the wreck’s identity.

“It’s not often you see snow on the Vesuvius volcano here in the Gulf of Naples, where I live in Sorrento. It soon vanishes due to the mild temperatures. I’ve always wanted to take a photo, and I finally managed to get into the water to do it. During my walk along the Marina Grande in Sorrento, my usual place for winter night diving, the wind pushed a large quantity of jellyfish along the coast. I was lucky to find one that had a small passenger on board, a juvenile imperial blackfish (Schedophilus ovalis).”

Winners of the DPG Masters Underwater Imaging Competition 2023

The competition invited submissions to seven image 
categories and one video category, with entries 
evaluated by a panel of award-winning photographers: Stephen Frink, Renee Capozzola, Scott “Gutsy” Tuason, Allison Vitsky Sallmon, Matty Smith and Amanda Cotton.

Malta: Protecting an Underwater Heritage

Diver at the smokestack of the El-Faroud wreck
Diver at the smokestack of the El-Faroud wreck

In the waters of Malta, an island nation that sits in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, there are deep historical shipwrecks dating back to ancient times, to the First and Second World Wars, and up to the present day. Michael Salvarezza and Christopher P. Weaver share their exploration of some of Malta’s wrecks and reefs.

Divers from the Naples Police underwater unit, based in Naples, Italy, have retrieved a substantial piece of obsidian from the remnants of a Neolithic shipwreck, off the coast of the island of Capri.

Discovery of a potential Neolithic shipwreck off Italy’s coast

The discovery was made near Capri’s famous Blue Grotto, a site historically used as a private bath by Roman emperors. Divers from the Naples Police Headquarters’ underwater unit located the wreck, which contained obsidian core material at a depth of around 40m. One of the cores, showing clear traces of chiselling and carving, measures approximately 28 x 20 x 15 cm and weighs almost 8kg.

Bonaire: A Diver's Paradise

Glassfish with large colony of purple tube sponges and sea rods at Bonaire

A Caribbean island nestled in the Leeward Antilles, warm and sunny Bonaire is a diver’s paradise with lots of shore diving and easy-to-reach fringing reefs, attracting divers at all levels who wish to explore and enjoy its beautiful reefs and marine life. Matthew Meier shares his adventure there.