
Recovery of beer bottle from the Sydney Cove shipwreck site. Intact cork and wax seal.

Beer brewed with yeast believed to be from a 220-year-old shipwreck

The Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in Launceston, Tasmania has achieved scientific results of interest to beer brewers and drinkers worldwide.

The museum has identified what is believed to be the world's oldest beer, surviving as contents of a bottle salvaged from the protected Historic Shipwreck Sydney Cove (1797) at Preservation Island, Tasmania.

Sand Tiger Shark. Evidence of complex social behaviors in sharks and other elasmobranchs is sparse, however we are beginning to understand the importance of studying shark aggregations

Sand tiger sharks have a friendly side

While many sharks are solitary predators, some are known to live in groups and are suspected of engaging in complex social behaviors. Meanwhile others simply aggregate due to similar habitat, food, or mating requirements.

Using a novel tagging procedure, scientists in the United States, have discovered that some shark species like to spend their time mixing and chilling out together.

At the age of 67, Wolfgang Kulow sets spectacular diving record

"Setting such a demanding world record begins with an idea. To realize it, you need a highly motivated team. I would like to thank everyone who supported me in this challenge", said the extreme athlete right after setting the world record on September 27, 2016.

At a diving depth of up to 10 meters, Wolfgang Kulow traversed the 20 km (12.5 mile) distance from the Danish island of Lolland to the German island Fehmarn in only four hours and nine minutes, setting the world record for the "fastest underwater crossing of the Fehmarn Belt".

Photo courtesy of Hj. Syed Abd Rahman
Text and photos courtesy of Hj. Syed Abd Rahman

Training Disabled Divers in Malaysia

The objective of the program is to build confidence, independence and self-esteem in the lives of children, adults and veterans with disabilities through the sport of scuba diving, scuba therapy and related activities.

The purpose of the program is to provide and support educational scuba diving programs with PADI courses—such as the PADI Seal Team, PADI Junior Open Water and the Open Water Diver course—that are open to any child, adult or veteran with a disability, with the hope of providing both physical and psychological therapeutic value to that person.

Extreme Athlete Wolfgang Kulov’s World Record Attempt at Crossing the Fehmarn Belt

  • World Record Attempt: "Fastest underwater crossing of the Fehmarn Belt with scuba gear and an underwater scooter"
  • Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2016
  • Start: Lolland, Denmark
  • Finish: Fehmarn Island, Germany

On September 27, 2016, extreme athlete Wolfgang Kulov plans to cover a distance of 20 kilometres.

He will start at the Danish island of Lolland and end at the German island of Fehmarn, with a maximum depth of 10 meters.

(Unrelated file photo) Drake Wreck Buoy in Church Bay, off Northern Ireland.

Michigan shipwrecks to be marked with buoys

The goal is to help preserve the state's shipwrecks by giving divers another option besides hooking a line directly onto the wreck, as is customary now.

"Putting a mooring buoy on a shipwreck is absolutely, hands-down, the best form of physical protection you can do for a wreck," Wayne Lusardi, a state maritime archaeologist at the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Alpena, told

Rebreathers and Scientific Diving Proceedings

Rebreathers and Scientific Diving - Best Practice Procedures Now Available

The meeting was first proposed by the National Park Service (NPS), then quickly supported by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Divers Alert Network (DAN), and the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS).

A number of key experts were involved in the Catalina Island event including Jeff Bozanic, Simon Mitchell and Richard Pyle.

Over the course of four days standards relating to practice, physiology, incidents and equipment evolution relevant to scientific diving with rebreathers were reviewed.

Giant Australian Cuttlefish

The giant Australian cuttlefish (Sepia apama) is the largest cuttlefish in the world, reaching up to half a metre in total length and weighing in at around 11kg. Solitary animals, they are found all along the coastline of the southern half of Australia—from Central Queensland on the eastern coast, right around the bottom of the continent and up to Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia.

Remoras: Shark Companions

While studying reef sharks in Tahiti, I became fascinated by the behavior of the remoras accompanying them. They were fish of the <i>Echeneidae</i> family, and ranged in size from a few centimeters to about 50cm long. They were pretty silver fish with widened heads, and often a black racing stripe.