
Lolita performs
Lolita performing (Averette at English Wikipedia/ CC BY 3.0)

Eviction Notice Served to Miami Seaquarium Amidst Controversy Over Animal Welfare

Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava addressed the issue in a statement posted on social media platform X, revealing that The Dolphin Company had consistently fallen short in maintaining the premises and ensuring the safety and well-being of the animals under their care. She emphasized that the current state of the Miami Seaquarium is deemed unsustainable and unsafe.

New deep-sea worm species identified

Marine scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego have discovered a new species of deep-sea worm in the waters near a methane seep about 50 kilometres off Costa Rica's Pacific coast.

Named Pectinereis strickrotti, the worm hails from the ragworm family and is distinguished by their feathery appendages that carry its gills. It was first discovered by Greg Rouse and Bruce Strickrott in 2009 when they were inside the submersible Alvin during an expedition at a depth of 1,000 metres.

Behavioural Complexity of Sharks

Illustration of two shark companions travelling together that encounter the researcher. Image source: Ila France Porcher.

Recent scientific efforts have begun to unravel the complexities of shark behaviour, challenging age-old perceptions, and revealing a world of intelligence and sophistication hidden beneath the waves. Ila France Porcher reports.

Sawfish/Georgia Aquarium CC BY-SA 3.0

Mysterious Sawfish Strandings Baffle Scientists in the Florida Keys

Sawfish, recognized for their distinctive long, narrow, flattened rostrum lined with teeth resembling a saw, are among the largest fish species. Often referred to as the “living fossils” of the ocean, they have long been shrouded in mystery due to their elusive nature and unique appearance. 

Equalising Ears: Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation

Diagram showing how the balloon is inserted and expanded inside the Eustachian tube. Photo: @ Spiggle & Theis Medizintechnik / CC BY 4.0 DEED

It can be devastating to your diving career if you are unable to equalise or have a lot of trouble doing so. The underlying cause may be a narrow Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the pharynx. Fortunately, this can be treated. Peter Symes reports.

Over 100 Potentially New Species Discovered in Chilean Seamounts Expedition

The Schmidt Ocean Institute-sponsored venture delved into the depths of the Nazca and Salas y Gómez Ridge, both within and outside Chile’s jurisdiction, revealing a rich tapestry of marine life, including deep-sea corals, glass sponges, sea urchins, amphipods, squat lobsters, and numerous other species that could be novel to science.

Tiger shark
CoP14 increases protection

COP14 conference concludes with stronger measures for migratory species conservation

The conference commenced with the unveiling of the inaugural UN report on the State of the World’s Migratory Species. The report highlighted a concerning trend, revealing that 44% of the billions of animals undertaking migratory journeys across various terrains are experiencing a decline in their populations. Colmán Ó Críodáin, Head of Policy at WWF Wildlife Practice, emphasized the critical role migration plays in sustaining the planet's ecosystems and underscored the urgent need for enhanced conservation efforts.