
Technically Speaking – Talks on Technical Diving Volume 1: Genesis and Exodus

Technically Speaking, by Simon Pridmore
Technically Speaking, a new book by Simon Pridmore

Technically Speaking is the latest book from best-selling Scuba series author Simon Pridmore. It is a selection of themed talks telling the early history of technical diving—where it came from, how it developed, how it expanded across the world, who the important movers were and how, in the decade from 1989 to 1999, the efforts of a few determined people changed scuba diving forever.

Reef ID Books Releases Guide to Marine Worms

This book is full of creatures that are weird and wonderful - marine worms! Some of them look like nightmares or aliens from outer space, others look like beautiful flowers. You have never seen most of them. Many are not yet known to science. The author and his friends - underwater photographers and marine biologists were lucky to find many fantastic beasts - a variety of marine worms.

Legends Beneath the Waves – Scandinavia

That the waters of Scandinavia are simply cold and dark is a point of view you often come across, even among some divers from the region. However, Scandinavian waters offer an enormous wealth of shipwrecks that can compare with the most famous sites. This includes Viking ships, well-preserved medieval wrecks in the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea to war wrecks from the world wars and sunken merchant vessels. In a comprehensive new work spanning two volumes, René B. Andersen and Andrew Marriott review a large number of exciting wrecks worth seeing and describe the dramatic events that led to their sinking.

We had a chat with René B. Andersen about the books.

Cave Diving: Everything you always wanted to know, by Stratis Kas

Cave Diving book cover
CAVE DIVING: Everything you always wanted to know

As the title says, this book covers all aspects of cave diving—everything you might wish to know it. Written by X-Ray contributor, diving instructor and adventure filmmaker Stratis Kas (with Matteo Ratto), this book includes information about diving physics and physiology that have been written in collaboration with scientists, doctors and specialists.