
Photo shows a coral reef with a background of the sun's rays shining into the waters
The Coral Reef Breakthrough seeks to protect at least 125,000 square kilometres of shallow-water tropical coral reefs.

Coral Reef Breakthrough: An initiative to safeguard world's coral reefs

Coral reefs are essential for marine biodiversity and climate resilience, supporting at least a quarter of marine species and offering ecosystem services worth up to US$9.9 trillion annually. More than a billion people, including vulnerable coastal communities, depend on them for their livelihoods.

Today, these vital ecosystems are under threat due to the climate crisis and human activities, and time is running out to protect them.

(Filephoto) River Dolphins in Rio Negro

Amazonian river dolphins killed by severe drought

The Amazon River Basin, known for its rich biodiversity, has witnessed a tragic event. Over the past week, 120 river dolphin carcasses have been discovered floating in its tributaries. Experts suspect that the severe drought and extreme heat are the culprits behind this mass mortality.

Dolphin Discovery

The carcasses of these dolphins were discovered floating in a tributary of the Amazon River in Brazil. The Mamiraua Institute, a renowned research group, reported that two additional dolphins were found dead near Tefe Lake.

Celebrating 70 years of BSAC

For the last seven decades, BSAC has played a key role in promoting underwater exploration, safety and education. As we celebrate the club's remarkable journey, let us dive into the past and explore the significant contributions BSAC has made to the diving community.


To celebrate 70 years, BSAC has created this special video as a thank you to our members, instructors, volunteers and friends across the world:

Retreating ice, caused by climate change, has exposed the rocky shoreline of Cape Rasmussen on the Antarctic Peninsula.
Retreating ice, caused by climate change, has exposed the rocky shoreline of Cape Rasmussen on the Antarctic Peninsula.

Deploying marine robots to boost climate change research

Scientists believe that the ice shelves under the sea ice hold the keys to further our understanding of climate change. Unfortunately, diving to such areas to explore them is impossible.

How, then, can we access these areas?

Scientist Xi Yu from West Virginia University may have found the answer. She suggests deploying a fleet of marine robots, controlled by a smart mothership, to reach these inaccessible depths and transmit back invaluable insights.

Dolphins illustration
Microplastics were found embedded in the tissues of about two-thirds of marine mammals in the study. (Photo illustration: G. Symes. Source images: Pixabay license)

Microplastics discovered in tissues of dolphins and whales

The study, set to be published in the October 15th issue of Environmental Pollution, has provided evidence that microscopic plastic particles, which were discovered in the fats and lungs of around two-thirds of the marine mammals investigated, are not confined to the digestive tracts of these creatures but can migrate and embed themselves in their vital tissues.

Southern Resident orca harassing a porpoise
Southern Resident orca harassing a porpoise

Why Southern Resident orcas harass porpoises

A study in the Marine Mammal Science journal examines the question of why Southern Resident orcas in the Pacific Northwest harass and sometimes kill porpoises without eating them.

Such behaviour has been passed down through the generations and across social groupings, and has been recorded as far back as 1962.

The question of why comes to mind.

Not on the menu

Certainly not to eat them. Southern Resident orcas do not harass the porpoises to consume them.

Explorer Ventures announces year of savings special

Browse our list of world-class diving destinations by date, or destination, and see why your next trip should be with us. It's time to break away from the ordinary and dive into the extraordinary.

Discounts across the Fleet from $300 up to $1000 per person.

This is a first for us – we’re Doubling Down on our Year of Savings Promotion from August 10 through September 30 with our BONUS EVENT SALE!