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This is the twelfth post using the special built-in content type

Whole every miles as tiled at seven or. Wished he entire esteem mr oh by. Possible bed you pleasure civility boy elegance ham. He prevent request by if in pleased. Picture too and concern has was comfort. Ten difficult resembled eagerness nor. Same park bore on be. Warmth his law design say are person. Pronounce suspected in belonging conveying ye repulsive. 
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In-page image of this post

This is the ninth post using the special built-in content type

Suspendisse dapibus rhoncus turpis, vel elementum est vestibulum eget. Nullam luctus non nisi ut tempor. Suspendisse eu pretium tortor, non tristique libero. Quisque vitae mi rutrum, imperdiet neque vel, feugiat orci. Vestibulum cursus rutrum turpis ut facilisis. Proin sed tempus mauris, sit amet facilisis ante. Duis tempus dignissim augue quis sagittis. Vivamus at varius turpis. Proin commodo ante ac velit auctor tincidunt. Praesent euismod lectus ac scelerisque scelerisque. Aliquam suscipit nisi erat, sed posuere lacus scelerisque ac. Praesent lacinia consectetur mi, nec auctor ante blandit ut.

GUE Divers Welcomed By BSAC

Leading personnel from the British Sub Aqua Club and Global Underwater Explorers have confirmed a review has been completed on how to integrate GUE divers into BSAC branches.

The useful discussions centred around reinforcing common training features and identifying any mismatches that might cause inconsistencies on branch dives between GUE and BSAC-trained divers.

Tiger shark embryos in the uterus
Tiger shark pups in the uterus, lying perpendicular to the mother's body.

New Strategy for Embryo Nourishment Found in the Tiger Shark

Drs. José I Castro, Keiichi Sato, and Ashby B. Bodine, have discovered a new method of embryonic nourishment in sharks. The tiger shark secretes a nutritive liquid which fills the egg sacs where the embryos are growing, permitting higher numbers of offspring to attain a large size. Their paper, entitled "A novel mode of embryonic nutrition in the tiger shark, (Galeocerdo cuvier)," has just been published in the journal Marine Biology Research.

Compound in nudibranchs toxic to cancer cell lines

Natural products play an invaluable role as a starting point in the drug discovery process, and plants and animals use many interesting biologically active natural products as chemical defence mechanisms against predators. Among marine organisms, many nudibranch gastropods are known to obtain toxins from what they are eating, such as sponges.

These toxins are used as chemical defences and bright colours to warn potential predators away,

  Salt marsh, Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada
Salt marsh, Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada

Hurricanes have minimal impact on salt marshes

New research suggests that major hurricanes, though devastating to humans, have a minimal impact on salt marshes. The Boston University study reveals coastal ecosystems are more at risk of erosion by waves from moderate storms than from full-fledged tropical storms. In eight different marshes studied in the United States, Italy and Australia, extreme storm events accounted for less than one per cent of erosion.