
The anemone fish's survival is at stake, due to climate change.

"Finding Nemo" clownfish won't survive climate change

A recent study by France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and colleagues indicates that the anemonefish does not have the genetic ability to adapt swiftly enough to climate change.

The findings of the study were published in the November 27 issue of the Ecology Letters journal.

The research was conducted in the lagoons of Kimbe Bay, covering more than a decade. This area is a biodiversity hotspot in Papua New Guinea.

Shortfin mako shark

US & EU keep makos unprotected

The shortfin mako shark fishery of the north Atlantic is one of those that fisheries scientists have claimed to be potentially sustainable. It has been used to promote the idea that all shark fisheries can become sustainable, with the United States in the lead.

But in the meantime, the species has become globally endangered, and now, when other countries are urgently fighting for protection for the shortfin mako shark, the United States and the European Union have blocked it at the annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

AquaSketch inventor, Mark Hagan, holds the wrist-size version of the device, which scrolls 8 feet of mylar, allowing divers to write and draw underwater on paper

Innovator interview: aquaSketch – Write & draw on paper underwater


Interview with owner and inventor Mark Hagan, whose scrolling sketch pad with 30 feet of waterproof mylar and smaller wrist model with 8 feet of mylar allows divers and researchers to write and draw on paper underwater (6 minutes). For more information, go to:



USS Grayback, a U.S. Navy submarine lost in 1944 to enemy air attack, has been found.

Wreck of World War II submarine USS Grayback discovered off Japan

The submarine was found by the Lost 52 Project, which locates lost U.S. World War II submarines, and is the first U.S. submarine discovered off the coast of Japan. Japanese records indicate that the sub was sunk by a 500-pound bomb dropped by a naval bomber in February 1944.

British U class submarine HMS URGE under way.

Wreck of WWII British submarine found off Malta

HMS Urge—part of Britain's 10th Submarine Flotilla—left the Mediterranean island of Malta on April 27, 1942 but never made it to its destination of the Egyptian port of Alexandria. Until its discovery this summer, the reason for both the ship's disappearance and its final resting place were unknown. The discovery of HMS Urge suggests it sank in 1942 after hitting an explosive marine mine placed by an enemy German warship.

Dive Label

To clearly identify your own underwater photo gear, especially on crowded dive boats or in dive centres highly frequented by underwater photographers, labelling your photography or videography gear comes in handy.

The Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi pictured underway in the Summer of 1941.

Wrecks of two WW2 Japanese aircraft carriers found

This month's discoveries came after weeks of searching by crew members based on the research vessel Petrel. The vessel is owned by Vulcan Inc, a company created by the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

One ship, the Kaga, was discovered last week, while wreckage from another carrier, Akagi, was found on Sunday, Vulcan Inc. said in a press release.

"Every shipwreck we find reminds us all of the ultimate sacrifice made by those who served their countries," said Robert Kraft, Vulcan Inc.'s director of undersea operations, in a press release. "Our team is truly honored to have discovered the Japanese Flagship Carrier, Akagi."

Fiona Sharp diving her AP Diving rebreather, Bonaire, Octobe 2019

Tributes are paid to Dr Fiona Sharp

A report on social media stated that the 55-year-old diver was ascending from a 91.5m (300ft) solo rebreather dive in Bonaire, and was found unresponsive on the reef at 24m (80ft) with the loop out of her mouth. (It is not known whether she had planned to dive to that depth or not). She was brought to the surface and medivaced. She did not regain consciousness. It is thought that all of her equipment was recovered. Her Inspiration rebreather head has already been downloaded for analysis. At the time of writing this piece, it is not known what happened.