“I didn't believe it at first because it was so ridiculous, but I really feel comfortable after I experienced it myself. I could feel it when it moves on my eyes.”
“I didn't believe it at first because it was so ridiculous, but I really feel comfortable after I experienced it myself. I could feel it when it moves on my eyes.”

Aquatic snail clean eyes in China

Professor Ke Caihuan of College of Oceanography and Environmental Science at Xiamen University said it is the first time that he heard that a snail can clean people’s eyes and he never saw such a snail before.

Mr. Lin, the snail owner, had kept the snail for 44 years. He said someone who had dust in their eyes can put the snail under the eyelids. It would move on the eyeball and ‘eat’ the dirt. After 10 minutes, you move it from the eyes and put it into clean water, and then it would spit out the dirt.

Ocean fertilization experiment given the go-ahead

Independent scientific and legal reviews sought by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety concluded that the iron fertilisation experiment LOHAFEX is neither against environmental standards nor the international law in force. There are thus no ecological and legal reasons to further suspend the iron fertilisation experiment LOHAFEX.

Flemming Thyge (right) with disabled diver Anders

Flemming Thyge

"To see the nervousness and uncertainty change to pure joy and euphoric smiles, when a person with a disability have conducted the first successful dive,... can move the most experienced diving instructor to tears”.

That´s how Flemming Thyge describes the emotion that has led him to dedicate much of his life to develop diving with disabilities worldwide.