Dive Rite

Dive Rite has been outfitting underwater explorers since 1984. What started as a small workshop producing thirteen tools for cave exploration has evolved into a global brand with recreational and technical equipment lines that include over 200 products.

Dive Rite developed the canister light, backplate, and Classic wing, entering the rebreather market in 2004 with the O2ptima CCR that has evolved into the more travel-friendly O2ptima CM.

Soaring insurance rates threaten the economic well-being and family life of dive business owners and employees. Many operators are forced to pass on these increased costs to their customers.

Dive Boat Act Proposes Relief for US Dive Operators

The enactment of the Small Passenger Vessel Act (SPVA) in 2022 amended US maritime law, affecting the liability of small passenger vessel owners for safety violations that lead to accidents.

Aerial images comparing the sizes of adult male Bigg’s and Resident killer whales, both taken in the Salish Sea off southern Vancouver Island.

Orcas Are Possibly Two Distinct Species

Orcas have long been considered a single global species, with different forms in different regions, known as “ecotypes.”

However, scientists have long recognised the differences between resident and transient orcas, known as Bigg's killer whales, in the North Pacific. Resident orcas maintain close-knit family pods and prey on salmon and other marine fish, while Bigg’s orcas roam in smaller groups and hunt other marine mammals such as seals and whales.

Kelp Forests Flourished Off US Pacific Coast as Early as 32 Million Years Ago

Ground-breaking research has revealed that Pacific kelp forests are much older than previously thought, reshaping our knowledge of marine ecosystems.

Originally thought to be a relatively recent occurrence in ocean history, kelp forests are now considered ancient entities, with origins dating back millions of years. This revelation comes from the analysis of fossil records and advances in dating techniques, allowing scientists to peer back through time.