
Octopuses observed throwing silt, shells and algae around and at other octopuses

In 2015 and 2016, researchers observed and filmed instances in which gloomy octopuses (Octopus tetricus) in Jervis Bay, Australia threw debris around themselves and sometimes at other octopuses.

This was the first time such throwing behavior has been observed in octopuses.

What was going on? Were these intelligent creatures merely rough-housing or having a pillow fight?

Led by Peter Godfrey-Smith at the University of Sydney, the researchers analyzed 24 hours of footage and identified 102 instances of such behavior amongst a group of about 10 octopuses.

DEMA Show 2022
DEMA Show 2022

Skinny but upbeat DEMA Show

After two years of disruption because of the pandemic, DEMA Show was back in gear. Well, largely. It was still markedly more compact than the pre-pandemic editions but still a large show with far more booths than one could reasonably manage to visit during its four days. Also importantly, the mood appeared to be upbeat, with businesses eager to ramp up activities as the industry and travel activities pull away from the doldrums. 

DEMA 2022

Waterproof W8

At long last, Waterproof lifted the veil on their new wetsuit, the W8. The introduction had to be postponed due to the worldwide supply chain difficulties, which hit neoprene production particularly hard. But now it is here and available in 5mm and 7mm thicknesses.


How do you lift a heavy injured diver out of the water? With RescueX—a light stretcher that also stabilizes the injured.

RescueX was developed by some professional American firefighters (who were also divers) who realized the boards, which lifeguards on beaches were equipped with, were not well-suited for rescuing divers.

DPG/Wetpixel Masters Underwater Imaging Competition 2022 Announced

This long-established and widely respected contest celebrates the splendor of the oceans and the challenging art of underwater photography and video.

The organizers call on underwater shooters of all levels, from novice to professional, to compete in what has become the “World Championship” of international underwater imagery events.

More than half of surfers surveyed are not bothered by sharks in the water.
More than half of surfers surveyed are not bothered by sharks in the water.

Shark in the waters? No sweat, said more than half of surfers in survey

Imagine you are riding the waters on your trusty surfboard, savouring the rush of emotions and feeling totally alive, when you glance down into the waters and you spot a shark swimming by. 

Does your heart skip a beat and you immediately look for the fastest way to get back to dry land?

Or do you continue what you are doing, feeling more at one with the elements?

Well, if you are like more than 50 percent of surfers, you would simply continue surfing, according to a survey of 391 surfers, conducted by the University of South Australia.

Why puffer fish spawn on beaches under moonlight 

At the time of the spring tide (new moon and full moon), thousands of puffer fish around the world head for the coastlines to spawn. There, they gather at the water’s edge and vigorously tremble their bodies to spawn.

Scientists have long wondered how the puffer fish were able to synchronise their spawning with the lunar cycle.

A paper published in a recent issue of the Current Biology journal has the answers.